[ome-users] OMERO.web login problem

Simon Li spli at dundee.ac.uk
Wed Oct 31 15:13:54 GMT 2018

I can't see any obvious problems. The two entries in your Nginx error.log are fine, OMERO.web let's you fetch files from the statics directory but doesn't let you list them, and the missing favicon is fine.

Could you post your OMERO.server config, and check your OMERO.server logs for errors, in particular master.* and Blitz-0.log? If you can't see anything useful could you upload all your logs (OMERO.server and OMERO.web) to https://www.openmicroscopy.org/qa2/ ?

Best wishes, Simon

On Tue, 30 Oct 2018 at 14:51, Jens Eriksson <jenseri at gmail.com<mailto:jenseri at gmail.com>> wrote:
Nothing odd pops out in the nginx access.log.

In the Nginx error.log there are two entries that may be intreresting:
2018/10/30 10:56:40 [error] 93526#93526: *80 directory index of "/home/omero/OMERO.py/lib/python/omeroweb/static/" is forbidden, client:, server: localhost, request: "GET /omero/static/ HTTP/1.1", host: "frankencloud.imbim.uu.se<http://frankencloud.imbim.uu.se>"
2018/10/30 13:59:31 [error] 93528#93528: *111 open() "/usr/share/nginx/html/favicon.ico" failed (2: No such file or directory), client:, server: localhost, request: "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1", host: "frankencloud.imbim.uu.se<http://frankencloud.imbim.uu.se>"

frankencloud.imbim.uu.se<http://frankencloud.imbim.uu.se>  is the server on out local network.

Restarting OMERO.web with omero.web.debug set True and reading through the OMEROweb.log does not give any new insights. I appended it to the end of the email, in case you see something I don't.

Logging in via OMERO.py/bin/omero login seems to work fine:

(omerowebvenv) omero at frankencloud:~$ OMERO.py/bin/omero login
Server: [localhost:4064]
Username: [omero]root
Created session for root at localhost:4064. Idle timeout: 10 min. Current group: system

omero at frankencloud:~$ cat OMERO.py/var/log/OMEROweb.log
2018-10-30 14:22:30,320 INFO  [                                __main__] (MainThread) Application Starting...
2018-10-30 14:22:30,325 INFO  [                                    root] (MainThread) Processing custom settings for module omeroweb.settings
2018-10-30 14:22:30,325 INFO  [                                    root] (MainThread) Processing custom settings for module omeroweb.settings
2018-10-30 14:22:30,326 INFO  [                                    root] (MainThread) Processing custom settings for module omeroweb.settings
2018-10-30 14:22:30,326 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) ADMINS = [] (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,326 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) APPLICATION_SERVER = 'wsgi-tcp' (source:omero.web.application_server)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,326 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) APPLICATION_SERVER_HOST = '' (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,326 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) APPLICATION_SERVER_MAX_REQUESTS = 500 (source:omero.web.application_server.max_requests)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,326 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) APPLICATION_SERVER_PORT = 4080 (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,326 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) ADDITIONAL_APPS = [u'omero_figure', u'omero_iviewer'] (source:omero.web.apps)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,326 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) BASE_INCLUDE_TEMPLATE = None (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,326 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) CACHES = {u'default': {u'BACKEND': u'django.core.cache.backends.dummy.DummyCache'}} (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,326 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) CHUNK_SIZE = 1048576 (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,326 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) CORS_ORIGIN_ALLOW_ALL = False (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,326 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST = [] (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,327 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) DATABASES = {} (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,327 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) DEBUG = True (source:omero.web.debug)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,327 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) INDEX_TEMPLATE = None (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,327 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) LOGDIR = '/home/omero/OMERO.py/var/log' (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,327 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) LOGIN_LOGO = None (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,327 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) LOGIN_REDIRECT = {} (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,327 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) LOGIN_VIEW = 'weblogin' (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,327 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES_LIST = [{u'index': 1, u'class': u'django.middleware.common.BrokenLinkEmailsMiddleware'}, {u'index': 2, u'class': u'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware'}, {u'index': 3, u'class': u'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware'}, {u'index': 4, u'class': u'django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware'}, {u'index': 5, u'class': u'django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware'}, {u'index': 0, u'class': u'whitenoise.middleware.WhiteNoiseMiddleware'}] (source:omero.web.middleware)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,327 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) OPEN_WITH = [[u'Image viewer', u'webgateway', {u'supported_objects': [u'image'], u'script_url': u'webclient/javascript/ome.openwith_viewer.js'}], [u'omero_figure', u'new_figure', {u'supported_objects': [u'images'], u'target': u'_blank', u'label': u'OMERO.figure'}]] (source:omero.web.open_with)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,327 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) PAGE = 200 (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,327 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) PING_INTERVAL = 60000 (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,327 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) PIPELINE_CSS_COMPRESSOR = None (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,327 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) PIPELINE_JS_COMPRESSOR = None (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,328 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) STATICFILES_STORAGE = 'pipeline.storage.PipelineStorage' (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,328 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) FORCE_SCRIPT_NAME = '/omero' (source:omero.web.prefix)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,328 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) PUBLIC_CACHE_ENABLED = False (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,328 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) PUBLIC_CACHE_KEY = u'********************' (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,328 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) PUBLIC_CACHE_TIMEOUT = 86400 (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,328 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) PUBLIC_ENABLED = False (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,328 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) PUBLIC_GET_ONLY = True (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,328 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) PUBLIC_PASSWORD = u'********************' (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,328 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) PUBLIC_SERVER_ID = 1 (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,328 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) PUBLIC_URL_FILTER = <_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0x7f9b4c618660> (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,328 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) PUBLIC_USER = None (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,328 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) SECRET_KEY = u'********************' (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,328 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) SECURE = False (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,328 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) SECURE_PROXY_SSL_HEADER = [] (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,328 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) SERVER_LIST = [[u'localhost', 4064, u'omero']] (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,328 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) SESSION_COOKIE_AGE = 86400 (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,329 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN = None (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,329 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) SESSION_COOKIE_NAME = None (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,329 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) SESSION_ENGINE = 'django.contrib.sessions.backends.cache' (source:omero.web.session_engine)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,329 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) SESSION_EXPIRE_AT_BROWSER_CLOSE = True (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,329 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) SHARING_OPENGRAPH = {} (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,329 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) SHARING_TWITTER = {} (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,329 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) STATIC_ROOT = '/home/omero/OMERO.py/lib/python/omeroweb/static' (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,329 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) STATIC_URL = '/omero/static/' (source:omero.web.static_url)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,329 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) STATICFILES_DIRS = [] (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,329 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) TEMPLATE_DIRS = [] (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,329 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) THUMBNAILS_BATCH = 50 (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,329 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) CENTER_PLUGINS = [] (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,329 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) METADATA_PANES = [{u'index': 1, u'name': u'tag', u'label': u'Tags'}, {u'index': 2, u'name': u'map', u'label': u'Key-Value Pairs'}, {u'index': 3, u'name': u'table', u'label': u'Tables'}, {u'index': 4, u'name': u'file', u'label': u'Attachments'}, {u'index': 5, u'name': u'comment', u'label': u'Comments'}, {u'index': 6, u'name': u'rating', u'label': u'Ratings'}, {u'index': 7, u'name': u'other', u'label': u'Others'}] (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,329 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) RIGHT_PLUGINS = [[u'Acquisition', u'webclient/data/includes/right_plugin.acquisition.js.html', u'metadata_tab'], [u'Preview', u'webclient/data/includes/right_plugin.preview.js.html', u'preview_tab']] (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,329 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) TOP_LINKS = [[u'Data', u'webindex', {u'title': u'Browse Data via Projects, Tags etc'}], [u'History', u'history', {u'title': u'History'}], [u'Help', u'https://help.openmicroscopy.org/', {u'target': u'new', u'title': u'Open OMERO user guide in a new tab'}], [u'Figure', u'figure_index', {u'target': u'_blank', u'title': u'Open Figure in new tab'}]] (source:omero.web.ui.top_links)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,330 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) USE_X_FORWARDED_HOST = False (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,330 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) VIEWER_VIEW = 'omero_iviewer.views.index' (source:omero.web.viewer.view)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,330 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) WEBGATEWAY_CACHE = None (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,330 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) WSGI_ARGS = None (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,330 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) WSGI_TIMEOUT = 60 (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,330 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) WSGI_WORKERS = 5 (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,330 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) Attempting to import additional app settings for app: omero_figure
2018-10-30 14:22:30,330 INFO  [                                    root] (MainThread) Processing custom settings for module omero_figure.settings
2018-10-30 14:22:30,330 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) Attempting to import additional app settings for app: omero_iviewer
2018-10-30 14:22:30,330 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) Couldn't import settings from app: omero_iviewer
2018-10-30 14:22:30,331 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) INSTALLED_APPS=[('django.contrib.staticfiles', 'django.contrib.auth', 'django.contrib.contenttypes', 'django.contrib.sessions', 'django.contrib.sites', u'omero_figure', u'omero_iviewer', 'omeroweb.feedback', 'omeroweb.webadmin', 'omeroweb.webclient', 'omeroweb.webgateway', 'omeroweb.webredirect', 'omeroweb.api', 'pipeline')]
2018-10-30 13:22:30,441 WARNI [                             py.warnings] (proc.112125) <module>():9 /home/omero/omerowebvenv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pipeline/utils.py:11: RemovedInDjango19Warning: django.utils.importlib will be removed in Django 1.9.
  from django.utils import importlib

2018-10-30 14:22:31,299 INFO  [                                __main__] (MainThread) Application Starting...
2018-10-30 14:22:31,303 INFO  [                                    root] (MainThread) Processing custom settings for module omeroweb.settings
2018-10-30 14:22:31,304 INFO  [                                    root] (MainThread) Processing custom settings for module omeroweb.settings
2018-10-30 14:22:31,304 INFO  [                                    root] (MainThread) Processing custom settings for module omeroweb.settings
2018-10-30 14:22:31,304 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) ADMINS = [] (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,304 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) APPLICATION_SERVER = 'wsgi-tcp' (source:omero.web.application_server)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,304 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) APPLICATION_SERVER_HOST = '' (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,304 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) APPLICATION_SERVER_MAX_REQUESTS = 500 (source:omero.web.application_server.max_requests)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,304 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) APPLICATION_SERVER_PORT = 4080 (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,305 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) ADDITIONAL_APPS = [u'omero_figure', u'omero_iviewer'] (source:omero.web.apps)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,305 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) BASE_INCLUDE_TEMPLATE = None (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,305 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) CACHES = {u'default': {u'BACKEND': u'django.core.cache.backends.dummy.DummyCache'}} (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,305 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) CHUNK_SIZE = 1048576 (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,305 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) CORS_ORIGIN_ALLOW_ALL = False (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,305 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST = [] (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,305 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) DATABASES = {} (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,305 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) DEBUG = True (source:omero.web.debug)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,305 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) INDEX_TEMPLATE = None (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,305 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) LOGDIR = '/home/omero/OMERO.py/var/log' (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,305 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) LOGIN_LOGO = None (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,305 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) LOGIN_REDIRECT = {} (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,305 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) LOGIN_VIEW = 'weblogin' (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,305 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES_LIST = [{u'index': 1, u'class': u'django.middleware.common.BrokenLinkEmailsMiddleware'}, {u'index': 2, u'class': u'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware'}, {u'index': 3, u'class': u'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware'}, {u'index': 4, u'class': u'django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware'}, {u'index': 5, u'class': u'django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware'}, {u'index': 0, u'class': u'whitenoise.middleware.WhiteNoiseMiddleware'}] (source:omero.web.middleware)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,306 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) OPEN_WITH = [[u'Image viewer', u'webgateway', {u'supported_objects': [u'image'], u'script_url': u'webclient/javascript/ome.openwith_viewer.js'}], [u'omero_figure', u'new_figure', {u'supported_objects': [u'images'], u'target': u'_blank', u'label': u'OMERO.figure'}]] (source:omero.web.open_with)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,306 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) PAGE = 200 (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,306 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) PING_INTERVAL = 60000 (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,306 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) PIPELINE_CSS_COMPRESSOR = None (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,306 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) PIPELINE_JS_COMPRESSOR = None (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,306 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) STATICFILES_STORAGE = 'pipeline.storage.PipelineStorage' (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,306 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) FORCE_SCRIPT_NAME = '/omero' (source:omero.web.prefix)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,306 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) PUBLIC_CACHE_ENABLED = False (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,306 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) PUBLIC_CACHE_KEY = u'********************' (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,306 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) PUBLIC_CACHE_TIMEOUT = 86400 (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,306 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) PUBLIC_ENABLED = False (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,306 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) PUBLIC_GET_ONLY = True (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,306 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) PUBLIC_PASSWORD = u'********************' (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,307 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) PUBLIC_SERVER_ID = 1 (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,307 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) PUBLIC_URL_FILTER = <_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0x7f0343621660> (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,307 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) PUBLIC_USER = None (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,307 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) SECRET_KEY = u'********************' (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,307 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) SECURE = False (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,307 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) SECURE_PROXY_SSL_HEADER = [] (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,307 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) SERVER_LIST = [[u'localhost', 4064, u'omero']] (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,307 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) SESSION_COOKIE_AGE = 86400 (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,307 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN = None (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,307 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) SESSION_COOKIE_NAME = None (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,307 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) SESSION_ENGINE = 'django.contrib.sessions.backends.cache' (source:omero.web.session_engine)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,307 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) SESSION_EXPIRE_AT_BROWSER_CLOSE = True (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,307 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) SHARING_OPENGRAPH = {} (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,307 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) SHARING_TWITTER = {} (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,308 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) STATIC_ROOT = '/home/omero/OMERO.py/lib/python/omeroweb/static' (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,308 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) STATIC_URL = '/omero/static/' (source:omero.web.static_url)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,308 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) STATICFILES_DIRS = [] (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,308 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) TEMPLATE_DIRS = [] (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,308 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) THUMBNAILS_BATCH = 50 (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,308 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) CENTER_PLUGINS = [] (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,308 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) METADATA_PANES = [{u'index': 1, u'name': u'tag', u'label': u'Tags'}, {u'index': 2, u'name': u'map', u'label': u'Key-Value Pairs'}, {u'index': 3, u'name': u'table', u'label': u'Tables'}, {u'index': 4, u'name': u'file', u'label': u'Attachments'}, {u'index': 5, u'name': u'comment', u'label': u'Comments'}, {u'index': 6, u'name': u'rating', u'label': u'Ratings'}, {u'index': 7, u'name': u'other', u'label': u'Others'}] (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,308 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) RIGHT_PLUGINS = [[u'Acquisition', u'webclient/data/includes/right_plugin.acquisition.js.html', u'metadata_tab'], [u'Preview', u'webclient/data/includes/right_plugin.preview.js.html', u'preview_tab']] (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,308 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) TOP_LINKS = [[u'Data', u'webindex', {u'title': u'Browse Data via Projects, Tags etc'}], [u'History', u'history', {u'title': u'History'}], [u'Help', u'https://help.openmicroscopy.org/', {u'target': u'new', u'title': u'Open OMERO user guide in a new tab'}], [u'Figure', u'figure_index', {u'target': u'_blank', u'title': u'Open Figure in new tab'}]] (source:omero.web.ui.top_links)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,308 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) USE_X_FORWARDED_HOST = False (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,308 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) VIEWER_VIEW = 'omero_iviewer.views.index' (source:omero.web.viewer.view)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,308 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) WEBGATEWAY_CACHE = None (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,308 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) WSGI_ARGS = None (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,308 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) WSGI_TIMEOUT = 60 (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,309 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) WSGI_WORKERS = 5 (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,309 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) Attempting to import additional app settings for app: omero_figure
2018-10-30 14:22:31,309 INFO  [                                    root] (MainThread) Processing custom settings for module omero_figure.settings
2018-10-30 14:22:31,309 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) Attempting to import additional app settings for app: omero_iviewer
2018-10-30 14:22:31,309 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) Couldn't import settings from app: omero_iviewer
2018-10-30 14:22:31,309 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings] (MainThread) INSTALLED_APPS=[('django.contrib.staticfiles', 'django.contrib.auth', 'django.contrib.contenttypes', 'django.contrib.sessions', 'django.contrib.sites', u'omero_figure', u'omero_iviewer', 'omeroweb.feedback', 'omeroweb.webadmin', 'omeroweb.webclient', 'omeroweb.webgateway', 'omeroweb.webredirect', 'omeroweb.api', 'pipeline')]

On Tue, Oct 30, 2018 at 1:05 PM Simon Li <spli at dundee.ac.uk<mailto:spli at dundee.ac.uk>> wrote:
Hi Jens

Do you see anything relevant in your OMERO.web log (var/log/OMEROweb.log) and nginx logs (access.log, error.log) whilst logging in? If there's nothing could you temporarily enable debug logs (omero config set omero.web.debug True) and see if there's any more information in OMEROweb.log. If that doesn't help could you activate your web virtualenv in a terminal and attempt to connect to your server using bin/omero login?


On Tue, 30 Oct 2018 at 10:45, Jens Eriksson <jenseri at gmail.com<mailto:jenseri at gmail.com>> wrote:

I have recently installed OMERO.server 5.4.9 on an Ubuntu 16.04 system. The server works as intended with the default ports open. OMERO-insight can be used to connect to and administer the server as normal.

I have also installed OMERO.web separately from OMERO.server in a virtualenv, as described here<https://docs.openmicroscopy.org/omero/5.4.9/sysadmins/unix/install-web/walkthrough/omeroweb-install-ubuntu-ice3.6.html>. I can connect to the OMERO.web login page (my.serverip/omero), but entering a correct username and pass simply reloads the page. If the server is down, then the OMERO.web login page displays the "cannot connect to server"-message. Also, if I enter the wrong password and/or user then the login page displays: "Error: Connection not available, please check your user name and password."

It seems like OMERO.web is in communication with the OMERO.server, but that something is not configured correctly when going from the login in to the rest of OMERO.web.

OMERO.server/bin/omero admin diagnostics:

OMERO Diagnostics (admin) 5.4.9-ice36-b101

Commands:   java -version                  1.8.0     (/usr/bin/java)
Commands:   python -V                      2.7.12    (/usr/bin/python)
Commands:   icegridnode --version          3.6.4     (/usr/bin/icegridnode)
Commands:   icegridadmin --version         3.6.4     (/usr/bin/icegridadmin)
Commands:   psql --version                 9.6.10    (/usr/bin/psql)

Server:     icegridnode                    not started

Log dir:    /home/omero/OMERO.server/var/log exists
Log files:  Blitz-0.log                    217.0 MB      errors=39   warnings=3111
Log files:  DropBox.log                    25.0 KB       errors=0    warnings=10
Log files:  FileServer.log                 3.0 KB
Log files:  Indexer-0.log                  365.0 KB
Log files:  MonitorServer.log              13.0 KB
Log files:  OMEROweb.lock                  0.0 KB
Log files:  OMEROweb.log                   0.0 KB        errors=0    warnings=1
Log files:  PixelData-0.log                301.0 KB      errors=42   warnings=4
Log files:  Processor-0.log                1.0 MB        errors=0    warnings=5
Log files:  Tables-0.log                   17.0 KB       errors=0    warnings=6
Log files:  TestDropBox.log                n/a
Log files:  master.err                     13.0 KB       errors=7    warnings=11
Log files:  master.out                     0.0 KB
Log files:  Total size                     218.93 MB


Cannot list deployed applications.
OMERO data dir:'/tank/OMERO'                  Exists? True      Is writable? True
OMERO temp dir:'/home/omero/omero/tmp'        Exists? True      Is writable? True   (Size: 0)

JVM settings: Blitz-${index}                -Xmx7200m -XX:MaxPermSize=1g -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions
JVM settings: Indexer-${index}              -Xmx4800m -XX:MaxPermSize=1g -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions
JVM settings: PixelData-${index}            -Xmx7200m -XX:MaxPermSize=1g -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions
JVM settings: Repository-${index}           -Xmx4800m -XX:MaxPermSize=1g -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions

OMERO.py/bin/omero config get:

omero.web.apps=["omero_figure", "omero_iviewer"]
omero.web.middleware=[{"index": 1, "class": "django.middleware.common.BrokenLinkEmailsMiddleware"}, {"index": 2, "class": "django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware"}, {"index": 3, "class": "django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware"}, {"index": 4, "class": "django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware"}, {"index": 5, "class": "django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware"}, {"index": 0, "class": "whitenoise.middleware.WhiteNoiseMiddleware"}]
omero.web.open_with=[["Image viewer", "webgateway", {"supported_objects": ["image"], "script_url": "webclient/javascript/ome.openwith_viewer.js"}], ["omero_figure", "new_figure", {"supported_objects": ["images"], "target": "_blank", "label": "OMERO.figure"}]]
omero.web.ui.top_links=[["Data", "webindex", {"title": "Browse Data via Projects, Tags etc"}], ["History", "history", {"title": "History"}], ["Help", "https://help.openmicroscopy.org/", {"target": "new", "title": "Open OMERO user guide in a new tab"}], ["Figure", "figure_index", {"target": "_blank", "title": "Open Figure in new tab"}]]

Thank you and have a nice day!

Jens Eriksson
Sellin Imaging Plattform
Uppsala University

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