[ome-users] OMERO.web login problem

Jens Eriksson jenseri at gmail.com
Tue Oct 30 14:51:44 GMT 2018

Nothing odd pops out in the nginx access.log.

In the Nginx error.log there are two entries that may be intreresting:
2018/10/30 10:56:40 [error] 93526#93526: *80 directory index of
"/home/omero/OMERO.py/lib/python/omeroweb/static/" is forbidden, client:, server: localhost, request: "GET /omero/static/ HTTP/1.1",
host: "frankencloud.imbim.uu.se"
2018/10/30 13:59:31 [error] 93528#93528: *111 open()
"/usr/share/nginx/html/favicon.ico" failed (2: No such file or directory),
client:, server: localhost, request: "GET /favicon.ico
HTTP/1.1", host: "frankencloud.imbim.uu.se"

frankencloud.imbim.uu.se  is the server on out local network.

Restarting OMERO.web with omero.web.debug set True and reading through the
OMEROweb.log does not give any new insights. I appended it to the end of
the email, in case you see something I don't.

Logging in via OMERO.py/bin/omero login seems to work fine:

(omerowebvenv) omero at frankencloud:~$ OMERO.py/bin/omero login
Server: [localhost:4064]
Username: [omero]root
Created session for root at localhost:4064. Idle timeout: 10 min. Current
group: system

omero at frankencloud:~$ cat OMERO.py/var/log/OMEROweb.log
2018-10-30 14:22:30,320 INFO  [                                __main__]
(MainThread) Application Starting...
2018-10-30 14:22:30,325 INFO  [                                    root]
(MainThread) Processing custom settings for module omeroweb.settings
2018-10-30 14:22:30,325 INFO  [                                    root]
(MainThread) Processing custom settings for module omeroweb.settings
2018-10-30 14:22:30,326 INFO  [                                    root]
(MainThread) Processing custom settings for module omeroweb.settings
2018-10-30 14:22:30,326 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) ADMINS = [] (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,326 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) APPLICATION_SERVER = 'wsgi-tcp'
2018-10-30 14:22:30,326 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) APPLICATION_SERVER_HOST = '' (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,326 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
2018-10-30 14:22:30,326 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) APPLICATION_SERVER_PORT = 4080 (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,326 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) ADDITIONAL_APPS = [u'omero_figure', u'omero_iviewer']
2018-10-30 14:22:30,326 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) BASE_INCLUDE_TEMPLATE = None (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,326 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) CACHES = {u'default': {u'BACKEND':
u'django.core.cache.backends.dummy.DummyCache'}} (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,326 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) CHUNK_SIZE = 1048576 (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,326 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) CORS_ORIGIN_ALLOW_ALL = False (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,326 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST = [] (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,327 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) DATABASES = {} (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,327 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) DEBUG = True (source:omero.web.debug)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,327 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) INDEX_TEMPLATE = None (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,327 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) LOGDIR = '/home/omero/OMERO.py/var/log' (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,327 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) LOGIN_LOGO = None (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,327 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) LOGIN_REDIRECT = {} (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,327 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) LOGIN_VIEW = 'weblogin' (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,327 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES_LIST = [{u'index': 1, u'class':
u'django.middleware.common.BrokenLinkEmailsMiddleware'}, {u'index': 2,
u'class': u'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware'}, {u'index': 3,
u'class': u'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware'},
{u'index': 4, u'class': u'django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware'},
{u'index': 5, u'class':
u'django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware'}, {u'index': 0,
u'class': u'whitenoise.middleware.WhiteNoiseMiddleware'}]
2018-10-30 14:22:30,327 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) OPEN_WITH = [[u'Image viewer', u'webgateway',
{u'supported_objects': [u'image'], u'script_url':
u'webclient/javascript/ome.openwith_viewer.js'}], [u'omero_figure',
u'new_figure', {u'supported_objects': [u'images'], u'target': u'_blank',
u'label': u'OMERO.figure'}]] (source:omero.web.open_with)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,327 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) PAGE = 200 (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,327 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) PING_INTERVAL = 60000 (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,327 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) PIPELINE_CSS_COMPRESSOR = None (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,327 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) PIPELINE_JS_COMPRESSOR = None (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,328 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) STATICFILES_STORAGE = 'pipeline.storage.PipelineStorage'
2018-10-30 14:22:30,328 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) FORCE_SCRIPT_NAME = '/omero' (source:omero.web.prefix)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,328 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) PUBLIC_CACHE_ENABLED = False (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,328 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) PUBLIC_CACHE_KEY = u'********************' (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,328 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) PUBLIC_CACHE_TIMEOUT = 86400 (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,328 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) PUBLIC_ENABLED = False (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,328 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) PUBLIC_GET_ONLY = True (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,328 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) PUBLIC_PASSWORD = u'********************' (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,328 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) PUBLIC_SERVER_ID = 1 (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,328 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) PUBLIC_URL_FILTER = <_sre.SRE_Pattern object at
0x7f9b4c618660> (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,328 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) PUBLIC_USER = None (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,328 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) SECRET_KEY = u'********************' (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,328 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) SECURE = False (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,328 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) SECURE_PROXY_SSL_HEADER = [] (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,328 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) SERVER_LIST = [[u'localhost', 4064, u'omero']] (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,328 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) SESSION_COOKIE_AGE = 86400 (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,329 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN = None (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,329 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) SESSION_COOKIE_NAME = None (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,329 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) SESSION_ENGINE = 'django.contrib.sessions.backends.cache'
2018-10-30 14:22:30,329 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) SESSION_EXPIRE_AT_BROWSER_CLOSE = True (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,329 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) SHARING_OPENGRAPH = {} (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,329 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) SHARING_TWITTER = {} (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,329 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) STATIC_ROOT =
'/home/omero/OMERO.py/lib/python/omeroweb/static' (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,329 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) STATIC_URL = '/omero/static/' (source:omero.web.static_url)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,329 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) STATICFILES_DIRS = [] (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,329 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) TEMPLATE_DIRS = [] (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,329 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) THUMBNAILS_BATCH = 50 (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,329 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) CENTER_PLUGINS = [] (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,329 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) METADATA_PANES = [{u'index': 1, u'name': u'tag', u'label':
u'Tags'}, {u'index': 2, u'name': u'map', u'label': u'Key-Value Pairs'},
{u'index': 3, u'name': u'table', u'label': u'Tables'}, {u'index': 4,
u'name': u'file', u'label': u'Attachments'}, {u'index': 5, u'name':
u'comment', u'label': u'Comments'}, {u'index': 6, u'name': u'rating',
u'label': u'Ratings'}, {u'index': 7, u'name': u'other', u'label':
u'Others'}] (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,329 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) RIGHT_PLUGINS = [[u'Acquisition',
u'metadata_tab'], [u'Preview',
u'webclient/data/includes/right_plugin.preview.js.html', u'preview_tab']]
2018-10-30 14:22:30,329 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) TOP_LINKS = [[u'Data', u'webindex', {u'title': u'Browse Data
via Projects, Tags etc'}], [u'History', u'history', {u'title':
u'History'}], [u'Help', u'https://help.openmicroscopy.org/', {u'target':
u'new', u'title': u'Open OMERO user guide in a new tab'}], [u'Figure',
u'figure_index', {u'target': u'_blank', u'title': u'Open Figure in new
tab'}]] (source:omero.web.ui.top_links)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,330 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) USE_X_FORWARDED_HOST = False (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,330 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) VIEWER_VIEW = 'omero_iviewer.views.index'
2018-10-30 14:22:30,330 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) WEBGATEWAY_CACHE = None (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,330 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) WSGI_ARGS = None (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,330 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) WSGI_TIMEOUT = 60 (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,330 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) WSGI_WORKERS = 5 (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:30,330 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) Attempting to import additional app settings for app:
2018-10-30 14:22:30,330 INFO  [                                    root]
(MainThread) Processing custom settings for module omero_figure.settings
2018-10-30 14:22:30,330 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) Attempting to import additional app settings for app:
2018-10-30 14:22:30,330 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) Couldn't import settings from app: omero_iviewer
2018-10-30 14:22:30,331 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) INSTALLED_APPS=[('django.contrib.staticfiles',
'django.contrib.auth', 'django.contrib.contenttypes',
'django.contrib.sessions', 'django.contrib.sites', u'omero_figure',
u'omero_iviewer', 'omeroweb.feedback', 'omeroweb.webadmin',
'omeroweb.webclient', 'omeroweb.webgateway', 'omeroweb.webredirect',
'omeroweb.api', 'pipeline')]
2018-10-30 13:22:30,441 WARNI [                             py.warnings]
(proc.112125) <module>():9
RemovedInDjango19Warning: django.utils.importlib will be removed in Django
  from django.utils import importlib

2018-10-30 14:22:31,299 INFO  [                                __main__]
(MainThread) Application Starting...
2018-10-30 14:22:31,303 INFO  [                                    root]
(MainThread) Processing custom settings for module omeroweb.settings
2018-10-30 14:22:31,304 INFO  [                                    root]
(MainThread) Processing custom settings for module omeroweb.settings
2018-10-30 14:22:31,304 INFO  [                                    root]
(MainThread) Processing custom settings for module omeroweb.settings
2018-10-30 14:22:31,304 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) ADMINS = [] (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,304 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) APPLICATION_SERVER = 'wsgi-tcp'
2018-10-30 14:22:31,304 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) APPLICATION_SERVER_HOST = '' (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,304 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
2018-10-30 14:22:31,304 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) APPLICATION_SERVER_PORT = 4080 (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,305 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) ADDITIONAL_APPS = [u'omero_figure', u'omero_iviewer']
2018-10-30 14:22:31,305 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) BASE_INCLUDE_TEMPLATE = None (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,305 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) CACHES = {u'default': {u'BACKEND':
u'django.core.cache.backends.dummy.DummyCache'}} (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,305 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) CHUNK_SIZE = 1048576 (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,305 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) CORS_ORIGIN_ALLOW_ALL = False (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,305 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST = [] (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,305 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) DATABASES = {} (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,305 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) DEBUG = True (source:omero.web.debug)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,305 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) INDEX_TEMPLATE = None (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,305 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) LOGDIR = '/home/omero/OMERO.py/var/log' (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,305 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) LOGIN_LOGO = None (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,305 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) LOGIN_REDIRECT = {} (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,305 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) LOGIN_VIEW = 'weblogin' (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,305 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES_LIST = [{u'index': 1, u'class':
u'django.middleware.common.BrokenLinkEmailsMiddleware'}, {u'index': 2,
u'class': u'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware'}, {u'index': 3,
u'class': u'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware'},
{u'index': 4, u'class': u'django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware'},
{u'index': 5, u'class':
u'django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware'}, {u'index': 0,
u'class': u'whitenoise.middleware.WhiteNoiseMiddleware'}]
2018-10-30 14:22:31,306 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) OPEN_WITH = [[u'Image viewer', u'webgateway',
{u'supported_objects': [u'image'], u'script_url':
u'webclient/javascript/ome.openwith_viewer.js'}], [u'omero_figure',
u'new_figure', {u'supported_objects': [u'images'], u'target': u'_blank',
u'label': u'OMERO.figure'}]] (source:omero.web.open_with)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,306 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) PAGE = 200 (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,306 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) PING_INTERVAL = 60000 (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,306 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) PIPELINE_CSS_COMPRESSOR = None (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,306 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) PIPELINE_JS_COMPRESSOR = None (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,306 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) STATICFILES_STORAGE = 'pipeline.storage.PipelineStorage'
2018-10-30 14:22:31,306 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) FORCE_SCRIPT_NAME = '/omero' (source:omero.web.prefix)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,306 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) PUBLIC_CACHE_ENABLED = False (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,306 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) PUBLIC_CACHE_KEY = u'********************' (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,306 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) PUBLIC_CACHE_TIMEOUT = 86400 (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,306 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) PUBLIC_ENABLED = False (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,306 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) PUBLIC_GET_ONLY = True (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,306 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) PUBLIC_PASSWORD = u'********************' (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,307 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) PUBLIC_SERVER_ID = 1 (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,307 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) PUBLIC_URL_FILTER = <_sre.SRE_Pattern object at
0x7f0343621660> (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,307 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) PUBLIC_USER = None (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,307 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) SECRET_KEY = u'********************' (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,307 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) SECURE = False (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,307 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) SECURE_PROXY_SSL_HEADER = [] (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,307 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) SERVER_LIST = [[u'localhost', 4064, u'omero']] (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,307 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) SESSION_COOKIE_AGE = 86400 (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,307 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN = None (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,307 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) SESSION_COOKIE_NAME = None (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,307 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) SESSION_ENGINE = 'django.contrib.sessions.backends.cache'
2018-10-30 14:22:31,307 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) SESSION_EXPIRE_AT_BROWSER_CLOSE = True (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,307 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) SHARING_OPENGRAPH = {} (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,307 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) SHARING_TWITTER = {} (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,308 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) STATIC_ROOT =
'/home/omero/OMERO.py/lib/python/omeroweb/static' (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,308 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) STATIC_URL = '/omero/static/' (source:omero.web.static_url)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,308 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) STATICFILES_DIRS = [] (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,308 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) TEMPLATE_DIRS = [] (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,308 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) THUMBNAILS_BATCH = 50 (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,308 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) CENTER_PLUGINS = [] (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,308 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) METADATA_PANES = [{u'index': 1, u'name': u'tag', u'label':
u'Tags'}, {u'index': 2, u'name': u'map', u'label': u'Key-Value Pairs'},
{u'index': 3, u'name': u'table', u'label': u'Tables'}, {u'index': 4,
u'name': u'file', u'label': u'Attachments'}, {u'index': 5, u'name':
u'comment', u'label': u'Comments'}, {u'index': 6, u'name': u'rating',
u'label': u'Ratings'}, {u'index': 7, u'name': u'other', u'label':
u'Others'}] (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,308 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) RIGHT_PLUGINS = [[u'Acquisition',
u'metadata_tab'], [u'Preview',
u'webclient/data/includes/right_plugin.preview.js.html', u'preview_tab']]
2018-10-30 14:22:31,308 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) TOP_LINKS = [[u'Data', u'webindex', {u'title': u'Browse Data
via Projects, Tags etc'}], [u'History', u'history', {u'title':
u'History'}], [u'Help', u'https://help.openmicroscopy.org/', {u'target':
u'new', u'title': u'Open OMERO user guide in a new tab'}], [u'Figure',
u'figure_index', {u'target': u'_blank', u'title': u'Open Figure in new
tab'}]] (source:omero.web.ui.top_links)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,308 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) USE_X_FORWARDED_HOST = False (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,308 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) VIEWER_VIEW = 'omero_iviewer.views.index'
2018-10-30 14:22:31,308 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) WEBGATEWAY_CACHE = None (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,308 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) WSGI_ARGS = None (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,308 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) WSGI_TIMEOUT = 60 (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,309 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) WSGI_WORKERS = 5 (source:default)
2018-10-30 14:22:31,309 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) Attempting to import additional app settings for app:
2018-10-30 14:22:31,309 INFO  [                                    root]
(MainThread) Processing custom settings for module omero_figure.settings
2018-10-30 14:22:31,309 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) Attempting to import additional app settings for app:
2018-10-30 14:22:31,309 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) Couldn't import settings from app: omero_iviewer
2018-10-30 14:22:31,309 DEBUG [                       omeroweb.settings]
(MainThread) INSTALLED_APPS=[('django.contrib.staticfiles',
'django.contrib.auth', 'django.contrib.contenttypes',
'django.contrib.sessions', 'django.contrib.sites', u'omero_figure',
u'omero_iviewer', 'omeroweb.feedback', 'omeroweb.webadmin',
'omeroweb.webclient', 'omeroweb.webgateway', 'omeroweb.webredirect',
'omeroweb.api', 'pipeline')]

On Tue, Oct 30, 2018 at 1:05 PM Simon Li <spli at dundee.ac.uk> wrote:

> Hi Jens
> Do you see anything relevant in your OMERO.web log (var/log/OMEROweb.log)
> and nginx logs (access.log, error.log) whilst logging in? If there's
> nothing could you temporarily enable debug logs (omero config set
> omero.web.debug True) and see if there's any more information in
> OMEROweb.log. If that doesn't help could you activate your web virtualenv
> in a terminal and attempt to connect to your server using bin/omero login?
> Simon
> On Tue, 30 Oct 2018 at 10:45, Jens Eriksson <jenseri at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have recently installed OMERO.server 5.4.9 on an Ubuntu 16.04 system.
>> The server works as intended with the default ports open. OMERO-insight can
>> be used to connect to and administer the server as normal.
>> I have also installed OMERO.web separately from OMERO.server in a
>> virtualenv, as described here
>> <https://docs.openmicroscopy.org/omero/5.4.9/sysadmins/unix/install-web/walkthrough/omeroweb-install-ubuntu-ice3.6.html>.
>> I can connect to the OMERO.web login page (my.serverip/omero), but entering
>> a correct username and pass simply reloads the page. If the server is down,
>> then the OMERO.web login page displays the "cannot connect to
>> server"-message. Also, if I enter the wrong password and/or user then the
>> login page displays: "Error: Connection not available, please check your
>> user name and password."
>> It seems like OMERO.web is in communication with the OMERO.server, but
>> that something is not configured correctly when going from the login in to
>> the rest of OMERO.web.
>> OMERO.server/bin/omero admin diagnostics:
>> ================================================================================
>> OMERO Diagnostics (admin) 5.4.9-ice36-b101
>> ================================================================================
>> Commands:   java -version                  1.8.0     (/usr/bin/java)
>> Commands:   python -V                      2.7.12    (/usr/bin/python)
>> Commands:   icegridnode --version          3.6.4
>>  (/usr/bin/icegridnode)
>> Commands:   icegridadmin --version         3.6.4
>>  (/usr/bin/icegridadmin)
>> Commands:   psql --version                 9.6.10    (/usr/bin/psql)
>> Server:     icegridnode                    not started
>> Log dir:    /home/omero/OMERO.server/var/log exists
>> Log files:  Blitz-0.log                    217.0 MB      errors=39
>>  warnings=3111
>> Log files:  DropBox.log                    25.0 KB       errors=0
>> warnings=10
>> Log files:  FileServer.log                 3.0 KB
>> Log files:  Indexer-0.log                  365.0 KB
>> Log files:  MonitorServer.log              13.0 KB
>> Log files:  OMEROweb.lock                  0.0 KB
>> Log files:  OMEROweb.log                   0.0 KB        errors=0
>> warnings=1
>> Log files:  PixelData-0.log                301.0 KB      errors=42
>>  warnings=4
>> Log files:  Processor-0.log                1.0 MB        errors=0
>> warnings=5
>> Log files:  Tables-0.log                   17.0 KB       errors=0
>> warnings=6
>> Log files:  TestDropBox.log                n/a
>> Log files:  master.err                     13.0 KB       errors=7
>> warnings=11
>> Log files:  master.out                     0.0 KB
>> Log files:  Total size                     218.93 MB
>> Environment:OMERO_HOME=(unset)
>> Environment:OMERO_NODE=(unset)
>> Environment:OMERO_MASTER=(unset)
>> Environment:OMERO_USERDIR=(unset)
>> Environment:OMERO_TMPDIR=(unset)
>> Environment:PATH=/home/omero/bin:/home/omero/.local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin
>> Environment:PYTHONPATH=(unset)
>> Environment:ICE_HOME=(unset)
>> Environment:LD_LIBRARY_PATH=(unset)
>> Environment:DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=(unset)
>> Cannot list deployed applications.
>> OMERO data dir:'/tank/OMERO'                  Exists? True      Is
>> writable? True
>> OMERO temp dir:'/home/omero/omero/tmp'        Exists? True      Is
>> writable? True   (Size: 0)
>> JVM settings: Blitz-${index}                -Xmx7200m -XX:MaxPermSize=1g
>> -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions
>> JVM settings: Indexer-${index}              -Xmx4800m -XX:MaxPermSize=1g
>> -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions
>> JVM settings: PixelData-${index}            -Xmx7200m -XX:MaxPermSize=1g
>> -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions
>> JVM settings: Repository-${index}           -Xmx4800m -XX:MaxPermSize=1g
>> -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions
>> OMERO.py/bin/omero config get:
>> omero.web.application_server=wsgi-tcp
>> omero.web.application_server.max_requests=500
>> omero.web.apps=["omero_figure", "omero_iviewer"]
>> omero.web.debug=False
>> omero.web.middleware=[{"index": 1, "class":
>> "django.middleware.common.BrokenLinkEmailsMiddleware"}, {"index": 2,
>> "class": "django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware"}, {"index": 3,
>> "class": "django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware"}, {"index":
>> 4, "class": "django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware"}, {"index": 5,
>> "class": "django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware"}, {"index":
>> 0, "class": "whitenoise.middleware.WhiteNoiseMiddleware"}]
>> omero.web.open_with=[["Image viewer", "webgateway", {"supported_objects":
>> ["image"], "script_url": "webclient/javascript/ome.openwith_viewer.js"}],
>> ["omero_figure", "new_figure", {"supported_objects": ["images"], "target":
>> "_blank", "label": "OMERO.figure"}]]
>> omero.web.prefix=/omero
>> omero.web.session_engine=django.contrib.sessions.backends.cache
>> omero.web.static_url=/omero/static/
>> omero.web.ui.top_links=[["Data", "webindex", {"title": "Browse Data via
>> Projects, Tags etc"}], ["History", "history", {"title": "History"}],
>> ["Help", "https://help.openmicroscopy.org/", {"target": "new", "title":
>> "Open OMERO user guide in a new tab"}], ["Figure", "figure_index",
>> {"target": "_blank", "title": "Open Figure in new tab"}]]
>> omero.web.viewer.view=omero_iviewer.views.index
>> Thank you and have a nice day!
>> Jens Eriksson
>> Sellin Imaging Plattform
>> Uppsala University
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