[ome-users] Upgrade problem

Kotecki, Jason Jason.Kotecki at vai.org
Wed Sep 10 15:11:28 BST 2014

Hello, I recently attempted the upgrade from 5.0.2 to 5.0.4. I'm running on a Windows server using IIS. The process I did was:

1.       Backup the database

2.       Ran 'omero admin stop'

3.       Ran 'omero web iis -remove'

4.       Renamed the 'Omero.server' folder to 'Omero.server.OLD'

5.       Extracted the 'OMERO.server-5.0.4-ice34-b43.zip' to 'Omero.server.

6.       Copied the '/etc/grid/config.xml' file from my old folder to the new folder.

7.       Ran 'omero web iis'

8.       Ran 'omero admin start'.

Here is the output of that start command:

C:\OMERO.server\bin>omero admin start
No descriptor given. Using etc\grid\windefault.xml
Installing OMERO.master Windows service.
Successfully installed OMERO.master Windows service.
Starting OMERO.master Windows service.
Waiting on startup. Use CTRL-C to exit
Failed to startup some components after 300 seconds
Calling "stop" on remaining components
OMERO.master service deleted.
Waiting on shutdown. Use CTRL-C to exit

I also attached the results of the 'omero admin diagnostics' command.

Jason Kotecki

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