[ome-users] ImageJ plugin in 4.4-RC2

Harri Jäälinoja harri.jaalinoja at helsinki.fi
Tue Jul 10 10:27:23 BST 2012

Hi Melissa and Josh,

On 06/07/12 16:36, Melissa Linkert wrote:
> http://hudson.openmicroscopy.org.uk/view/Bio-Formats/job/BIOFORMATS-trunk/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/artifacts/loci_tools.jar
> While Fiji includes that already, it likely contains an older version
> than OMERO.imagej 4.4-RC2 is expecting, so updating may make things work
> (or at least, it will eliminate one possible cause of the problem).

I downloaded the loci_tools.jar as you suggested and put it in the 
plugins directory of Fiji, but this did not help.

>> You might see if there is anything in ~/omero/log/omeroinsight.log. Failing that, you can try to take a stack dump of fiji. How are you launching Fiji? Also, what exact download did you try?

I downloaded OMERO.imagej-4.4.0-RC2-ice33-b3016.zip. There is nothing in 
omeroinsight.log. I start Fiji from command line:

hajaalin at biotek973:~/Fiji.app$ ./fiji-linux64
Re-executing with correct library lookup path 

Usually some errors would show up here, as the output is not directed 
anywhere? How can I take a stack dump here?


Harri Jäälinoja
Light Microscopy Unit
Institute of Biotechnology, University of Helsinki
+358 9 191 59370 fax +358 9 191 59366

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