[ome-users] pgpool-II with OMERO?

Harri Jäälinoja harri.jaalinoja at helsinki.fi
Wed Apr 25 14:48:45 BST 2012

Hi all,

we started to think that it would be nice to make a high-availability 
set up for the PostgrSQL database that OMERO is using, to make sure that 
no data is lost. Is anyone out there doing something like that? The 
first tool I found is pgpool-II, is anybody using that?

My initial guess about database activity in OMERO is that it is mostly 
just reading from the DB. There will be writing in the DB when users 
import new data, but if something goes wrong at that point, it will be 
easy to redo the import, so nothing is really lost. Then there are times 
when users add analysis results or metadata. Analysis results probably 
are generated by running some scripts, so those, too, should be easy to 
redo. Manually made annotations are another issue, it would be nasty to 
loose those. But here we could then balance the issue between what the 
performance overhead of the replication system is and how many hours of 
annotation work the user can loose.

Any comments, does this sound reasonable? Any other points to consider?

Best regards,

Harri Jäälinoja
Light Microscopy Unit
Institute of Biotechnology, University of Helsinki
+358 9 191 59370 fax +358 9 191 59366

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