[ome-users] combining meta data and tiff files to ome-tiff

Josh Moore josh at glencoesoftware.com
Mon Apr 16 09:00:38 BST 2012

On Apr 16, 2012, at 9:30 AM, Zipprich wrote:

> Hi all,

Hi Gideon,

> I want to combine tiffs with metadata listed in csv file. One csv file includes data for a 96-well-plate e.g. including data like: WELL, CELLCOUNT, HASPB-GFP % CYTOPLASMA, HASPB-GFP % GOLGI, HASPB-GFP % MEMBRAN, HASPB-GFP SCORE CYTOPLASMA, YES-CHERRY % GOLGI...
> Is there a way to add the corresponding meta data (one row) to each tiff and then save one well plate as a OMERO-TIFF? So I can easily import it into OMERO. Maybe Bio-Formats could help? Or is Omero not the optimal way for saving such meta data?
> I am kind of new in the field.
> Any suggestions are welcome.

Sorry for having missed your forum post on Friday. I've responded there for anyone who's interested:


> Best regards,
> Gideon Zipprich

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