[ome-devel] OMERO Django and Apache

Julian Martin Kunkel julian.kunkel at informatik.uni-heidelberg.de
Wed Apr 1 15:54:48 BST 2009

I tried to use OMERO 4.0 Web on an Ubuntu Intrepid with Apache 2.

The provided tutorial is great:

One minor issue is that you mention PIL is optional,
at least for me without PIL I get the following error:

Exception Type: ImportError
Exception Value: No module named Image
Exception Location: /home/omero/4.0/omero-
Beta4.0.0/lib/omeroweb/webclient/views.py in <module>, line 37

After installation of the python-imaging package and restart of apache the 
problem was gone.

I also had to remove the newlines in the Python Path (as reported by Mark).

Another issue:
I have seen that the error message gets embedded directly into a text field to 
send it to you, I would prefer to see the (HTML) error and contained data 
before sending it (maybe in an Iframe). Then maybe some false alerts (trivial 
errors) could be identified and fixed by users directly.

Best regards,

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