[ome-devel] OME matlab install

Tom Macura tm289 at cam.ac.uk
Wed Mar 22 17:37:45 GMT 2006

Hi Kris,

> I've run into several problems with our installation
> of matlab and OME.

Thanks for your feedback -- it has been very valuable. I filed a bug  
report based on your email: http://bugs.openmicroscopy.org.uk/ 
show_bug.cgi?id=642 .

I committed changes to OME that should address all of your concerns.  
Please try the install again (first update with CVS) and let me know  
if you have further problems.

>     The default C compile cannot be overridden.
Agreed but I don't think this is worth supporting because I am sure  
"soon" Matlab code will become compatible with gcc-4.X .

We got the Matlab interface to compile with gcc-4.X after we modified  
it a little. The problem was that  bool keyword in C99 is in its own  
header, <stdbool.h>. Previous C standards did not define a boolean  
type, and various (incompatible) methods were used to simulate a  
boolean type.

> The Matlab.xs test (test.pl) should probably be run with the matlab  
> path defined during the
> install.
Agreed and fixed.

> 3.  matlab extra parameters:
>     One of our machines runs a 64 kernel and 32 bit user space.
>     Matlab works fine if it is launched with the extra parameter
>     -glnx86.    However, we fail during installation as we cannot
>     pass the user test, etc... I haven't found any environment
>     vars to define, but it would also be useful to have some
>     default params passed as configuration variable.
I added an installer question for matlab exec_flags. The default is  
-"nodisplay -nojvm". You can now change it to
"-nodisplay -nojvm -glnx86".

Thanks a lot for your detailed email. This made it very easy for me  
to fix the problems,


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