[ome-devel] OME matlab - mex is not compiling

august august at develop.ment.org
Tue Jul 25 17:51:58 BST 2006

> Hi August,
> Since C99 // style comments are allowed.
> 	http://home.tiscalinet.ch/t_wolf/tw/c/c9x_changes.html
> So besides editing the colour_deconvolution.c file you can modify mex  
> to pass different CC flags to gcc (not pass -ansi but pass - 
> std=iso9899:1999).
> But I swallowed my pride and changed the // comments to /* */ .
> Easiest thing to do is update from CVS and try again.
> Sorry for the trouble,

No worries.   I also prefer the C99 // comments.

I got it going eventually by modifying the Makefile and changing
colour_deconvolution.c to colour_deconvolution.cpp so that "mex"
compiled it with g++ instead of gcc.   I couldn't figger out how to tell
mex to not pass the -ansi flag.  I'm not a matlab dude...but there must
be a way to state this in the Makefile.

thanks a lot!   -august.

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