[ome-users] Accessing web interfaces from other computers

josh.moore at gmx.de josh.moore at gmx.de
Mon Mar 30 20:57:37 BST 2009

Ola Paulo,

Paulo Almeida writes:
 > I can access the webadmin and webclient interfaces from the server,
 > but not from other machines.
 > nmap says port 8000 is closed, and the output of: 
 > netstat -an |grep 8000
 > is:
 > tcp        0      0*               LISTEN
 > I think that means it is only listening on 

Exactly. The webclient doesn't come with HTTPS out-of-the-box. In
order to protect your installation, we start it only on To
make it listen elsewhere, you'll need to modify etc/grid/templates.xml

    <server-template id="ShellTemplate">
      <parameter name="id"/>
      <parameter name="exe" default="python"/>
      <parameter name="act" default="always"/>
      <server id="${id}" exe="${exe}" activation="${act}">
        <!-- ADD THE NEXT LINE -->
        <adapter name="${id}Adapter" register-process="true" endpoints="tcp"/>

where the value you add is passed to `python manage.py runserver`
who's command-line option is of the form: ipaddr:port

This installation is meant to get you started with the server, but you
may want to look at the OMERO.web instructions directly. See:

 > If so, how do I make omero listen to computers other than
 > localhost? I tried 'bin/omero config simple' (and advanced) but
 > that returned:

  bin/omero config simple?

Where did you see these commands? I'm not quite sure where it could
have come from. See:

  bin/omero config

for instructions on using config, but unfortunately there is no
configuration parameter for setting the interface used by OMERO.web.

 > unhashable type

This is actually *really* odd, maybe you could help us track it
down. What python version are you using? What java version?

  python --version
  java -version

 > I also looked around on the etc directory, especially
 > omero.properties, but I couldn't figure it out.

 > Thanks,
 > Paulo

Hope we can figure that out.

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