[ome-users] OME-TIFF and OME-XML file validator

Andrew Patterson ajpatterson at lifesci.dundee.ac.uk
Thu Nov 8 16:54:36 GMT 2007

OME-TIFF and OME-XML file validator

To help check the integrity of OME files we have produced an online  
validator. This understands the 2004 and 2007 schemas and can process  
both OME-TIFF and OME-XML files. It is available at:


This is the initial release of the validator and performs a series of  
basic checks on the file:
  * Conforming to the XML Schema
  * Checking internal references
    - Listing missing internal references
    - Listing external references
  * Checking "tiff data" block usage
  * Checking frame counts in tiff files

More checks will be added over time.

We hope you will find this useful in your work.

If you want to know more about these file formats, visit

Thanks for your continued support,


Andrew Patterson
ajpatterson at lifesci.dundee.ac.uk
Software Developer, Open Microscopy Environment
Wellcome Trust Centre for Gene Regulation and Expression, University  
of Dundee

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