[ome-users] Remnants of java changes?

Jake Carroll jake.carroll at uq.edu.au
Thu Sep 24 09:57:12 BST 2015

Hello list!

I’m not sure if this is a remnant of something from the issues with Java which we had back in 5.1.2 which came from this:


But, after patching to 5.1.3, with the Insight Client, my users are still finding inconsistencies with being able to sign in. The web frontend works fine as usual, but insight isn’t too happy.

As far as I can tell, the workaround that was issued in 5.1.2:

cd OMERO.server-5.1.2-ice35-b45
$ patch -p1 < ../java_issue_2015-07-21.txt
patching file etc/grid/templates.xml
$ bin/omero admin deploy

Isn’t relevant anymore, as it was integrated into 5.1.3

Java/webstart is becoming a cumbersome and tiresome thing to administer at an enterprise level. Feels like we’re always playing catch up, doesn’t it?

Talk soon.


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