[ome-users] NullPointerException while decompressing color lossless JPEG images - bio-formats

Mark Carroll m.t.b.carroll at dundee.ac.uk
Fri Jun 19 09:49:25 BST 2015

Dear Aaron,

Thank you very much for tracking down these issues and improving the
LosslessJPEGCodec code! It would indeed be great if you could contribute
your work back to the Bio-Formats project.

You are very welcome to use GitHub to fork
https://github.com/openmicroscopy/bioformats and open a Pull Request
against it for us to review. Some introductory information may be found
https://github.com/openmicroscopy/bioformats/blob/develop/CONTRIBUTING.md but
please don't hesitate to ask if anything is unclear there or if you
would like to know anything else.



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