[ome-users] omero scripts: getting hostname and port to server from BaseClient

Carnë Draug carandraug+dev at gmail.com
Thu Sep 18 19:23:56 BST 2014

On 8 September 2014 10:55, Josh Moore <josh at glencoesoftware.com> wrote:
> Hi Carnë,
> On Sep 4, 2014, at 7:26 PM, Carnë Draug wrote:
>> I am trying to get the hostname (or IP address) and port of the omero server
>> from an omero script so I can import images back into the server using the
>> following:
>>    cli = omero.cli.CLI()
>>    cli.loadplugins()
>>    cli.invoke(["-s", hostname, "-k", port, "import", filepath])
>> However, I'm struggling to get the correct hostname. The best I've managed was
>> the following:
>>>>> client.getRouter(client.getCommunicator())
>>    OMERO.Glacier2/router -t -e 1.0:tcp -h -p 4063
>> and while I can easily parse that string to get the value for "-h", will this
>> one day break when it becomes "--host", "--hostname", or something else?  Is
>> there a sanctioned method that gives the correct hostname that a client
>> somewhere in the grid should use when importing images?
> You can actually use these strings directly by passing them to the client constructor:
> import omero
> import omero.cli
> import omero.scripts
> c = omero.scripts.client("test.py")
> h = c.getRouter(c.getCommunicator())
> copy = omero.client(["--Ice.Default.Router=%s" % h])
> copy.createSession("root", "XXX")
> try:
>     cli = omero.cli.CLI()
>     cli.loadplugins()
>     # https://trac.openmicroscopy.org.uk/ome/ticket/12388
>     cli._client = copy
>     cli.invoke(["hql", "select e from Experimenter e where e.omeName = 'root'"])
> finally:
>     copy.__del__()
> NB:  https://trac.openmicroscopy.org.uk/ome/ticket/12388 proposes to improve the
> `cli._client = copy`.
> At the same time, though, the environment variable "ICE_CONFIG" is set for the entire process, so there should be no need to set any property:
> import omero
> import omero.cli
> import omero.scripts
> c = omero.scripts.client("test.py")
> copy = omero.client()
> copy.createSession()
> try:
>     cli = omero.cli.CLI()
>     cli.loadplugins()
>     cli._client = copy
>     ...
> finally:
>     copy.__del__()

If I understood correctly, I should not have to pass any of the session
information (UUID or server hostname) in the arguments to invoke() when
using omero.cli.CLI.  It should be enough to set `_client' to a valid omero
session. Is this correct?

This works great as long as I do it via the command-line. This tiny script
works great:

    import omero
    import omero.cli

    c = omero.client (host = "localhost")
    c.createSession (username = "username", password = "password")

    cli = omero.cli.CLI()
    cli._client = c
    cli.invoke(["import", path_to_image_file])

However, it fails as soon as I try to use it as an omero script.  For a
short example, the following omero script:

    import omero.scripts
    import omero.cli

    c = omero.scripts.client("test.py")
    copy = c.createClient(secure = True)

    cli = omero.cli.CLI()
    cli._client = copy
    cli.invoke(["import", path_to_image_file])

will still fail with the following error:

    Usage:  importer-cli [OPTION]... [path [path ...]]...
      or:   importer-cli [OPTION]... -


    Session arguments:
    Mandatory arguments for creating a session are 1- either the OMERO server
    hostname, username and password or 2- the OMERO server hostname and a
    valid session key.

> P.S. while working on this script, I saw that createClient(secure=False)
> does not work from scripts which is likely related to your issue of not
> being able to find the hostname.

I tried with "secure=True" and still did not succeed.


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