[ome-users] Question about image analysis and annotations in OMERO

Christophe TREFOIS christophe.trefois at uni.lu
Wed Nov 26 12:27:22 GMT 2014

Dear all,

Do you know of any workflows where people use OMERO, analyse images outside of OMERO and then attach the results back to the original image.

I know this is the basic premise of OMERO, however I am wondering if somebody has some experience with specific applications, such as:

1. Do people typically attach a .csv file to the original image?
2. Which kind of annotation to the image itself is possible and useful?
3. How do people interact with the annotated items?
	- Do they download the .csv and look at it in Excel?
	- Can they see segmented cells in their OMERO web?
		- If yes, where do they see the segmentation? On the same image, on a separate image?

I would be really interested in discussing with some people who have already dealt with this and especially with automated image analysis. For instance, we will have several people doing only image analysis and other people acquiring the images. Obviously, OMERO could be the bridge between these groups of people, but we want to use OMERO for more than just a database to dump your data.

Also, does anybody have any experience on launching scripts from OMERO on an High performance cluster?

And finally, for high-throughput cases, what is some workflows that people use? Currently, it seems much faster to just load the images from the filesystem, rather than using the OMERO API which slows down transfer of images and opening them dramatically.

Any pointers, discussion, documentation, will be extremely welcomed!

Thank you for your help in this,


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