[ome-users] omero web start without hang up

Björn Quast bquast at evolution.uni-bonn.de
Thu Jul 29 10:41:21 BST 2010

Hi Josh, hi Bernhard,

I think I have to work through my apache configuration, the apache server is 
running with one virtual host and I tried to configure another one for the 
I guess the configuration of this second virtual host is wrong. It will take 
some time to figure out what is wrong, so I will mail you if I have an idea 
about it.

Thank you for your efforts

> Hi Bjoern!
> Are you sure apache2 is running? In case your under Linux, check the
> /var/log/apache2/access_log and error_log for messages when you point
> your broswer to http://your-host. You must see some GET loging
> statements in access_log otherwise there's something wrong with your
> apache setup.
> When I set up omeroweb under apache it did not work until I've copied
> the custom_setttings.py to omero_dist/lib/python/omeroweb, somehow I
> could not convince mod_python to include omero_dist/var/lib in
> PYTHONPATH. However, this issue gave me an error message when I
> accessed http://my-host/webadmin, so I knew apache/mod_python were
> working but omeroweb had problems to load the custom_settings.py
> file.
> What port are you using in the configuration for omeroweb? You are
> writing you can only access Omero.web when you've started omero web
> via bin/omero web start, I wonder which url you are using, something
> like http://localhost:8000/webadmin? Are you trying the same address
> for accessing apache? Apache is listening on port 80 per default and
> thus you'd only need http://localhost/webadmin or
> http://your-host/webadmin. In case you've configured omero web to use
> port 80, it might be the port is in use and apache can't start.
> Hope that helps! Bernhard

Dr. Björn Quast
Universität Bonn
Institut für Evolutionsbiologie und Ökologie
An der Immenburg 1
53121 Bonn
Tel.: 0228/735758   email: bquast at evolution.uni-bonn.de

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