[ome-users] Cleanse script

josh.moore at gmx.de josh.moore at gmx.de
Tue Jan 26 19:05:46 GMT 2010

Scott Grieshaber writes:
 > Hello,
Hi Scott,

 > I have installed and been using 4.1.1 for a while now and have
 > recently started using the cleanse script to remove deleted files
 > from the server.  However, I have to run the script manually as the
 > -w option for the password returns an error (option -w not
 > recognized), but if I leave it out and type in my password it works
 > fine.  Are the options for the script now different from what is
 > indicated in the documentation?  Any help would be great.

Yes, the options are unfortunately wrong in the documentation, and the
script does not take a "-w" option. In general, the option handling on
our scripts needs to be unified:


which is planned for 4.2. You're easiest option for 4.1.1 is to copy
OMERO_HOME/lib/python/omero/util/cleanse.py to some other location,
like OMERO_HOME/bin/cleanse.py and then replace line 185:

        if session_key is None:
                print "Username: %s" % username
                        password = getpass.getpass() # 185
                except KeyboardInterrupt:


                        password = "your password here"

Be sure to set the permissions on the script to 700:

 chmod 700 OMERO_HOME/bin/cleanse.py

so no one can see the password. Alternatively, you can download the
unreleased changes I made to the 4.1 branch here:


which will get rolled into a 4.1.2 if there is one.

 > Scott Grieshaber


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