[ome-devel] Integration tests for importing a plate

Etienne Dumoulin etienne at phenomic.ai
Tue May 29 17:45:34 BST 2018

Hi Omero developers,

I have just started using the OMERO platform and I have a couple of
separate questions. I will send them in two different emails, I hope you
don't mind.

I have just customized an import. My new import loads a screen (a set of
plates) using "omero import" command line tool on a directory (I think it
is the only way to do it in Python) and adds annotations on the wells,
plates and screen. It is working quite nicely, however I am not too sure
how to create my integration tests. All the plate directories I have are
several gigabytes big and I don't know how to create my own XML metadata
file for a plate. All my attempts create orphaned images at the import.
Ideally, I would like to be able to load a mini-plate successfully in a few
seconds, a minute top.

What would you do in my situation?



Etienne Dumoulin
Lead software engineer
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