[ome-devel] Super-Resolution standard format

WHEELER Ann Ann.Wheeler at igmm.ed.ac.uk
Fri Jul 31 10:58:25 BST 2015

H Ian

Yes, any tiff stack should (in theory) be possible to analyse with most Open source pieces of software. We've tried several, QuickPALM SOFI, RainStorm, RapidSTORM, gSHRIMP. I can have another go with 3B but I'm seeing Susan next week so I can ask if she'd be willing to provide data herself. The proprietary ones will be more interesting to see. We now have an excellent Bioformats external hard drive, it's going to be tricky to upload several hundreds of GB of data.

SIM and STED data is a bit different. SIMCheck will produce a series of QC/QA images with the tiff stack but the processing is generally very carefully locked down. I.e. Nikon data couldn't be processed by the OMX Blaze (SoftWoRxs) or Zeiss (Elyra) software.

STED again is different, only Leica I believe at present has the patent so I assume image processing again is through their software. I don't have access to any homemade STED's. There was one at Kings a while back but not sure if it's still going. Presumably Paul French would have one too?

The coordinates localized in the freeware very much would depend on the algorithm and how they improve localisation. For the ones we tested Mingying should have this. If not it's easy for me to find out and I can provide a documentation sheet with each of the SLMS algorithms and the propriety data. 



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