[ome-devel] integration with NIH AD

Yanling Liu vrnova at gmail.com
Tue Sep 2 19:03:27 BST 2014

Dear OME developers,

In case you know anyone in NIH (www.nih.gov) has installed OMERO and
integrated with NIH AD, please do let me know...

The problem I am facing is LDAP won't work in NIH configuration, instead,
we rely on Centrify (http://www.centrify.com/) tool on Linux server for AD

Please don't be scared by the new name of Centrify, the short answer is
that we simply do a system call to a tool called adinfo to verify user

The adinfo tool is a command line tool provided by Centrify. It takes user
name and password and returns query result. We have had servers using the
adinfo tool for couple years and it seems to be stable.

Do you have any plan to integrate OMERO with Centrify?

If we create a new OMERO plugin to deal with Centrify based AD
authentication, do you have any recommendation in terms of implementation?
How could we contribute it back to OMERO source?

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