[ome-devel] OMERO on android? + integration + LSIDs

Josh Moore josh at glencoesoftware.com
Thu Nov 14 19:43:23 GMT 2013

On Nov 14, 2013, at 6:18 PM, Johan Henriksson wrote:
> What is the status of OMERO on android? Is it planned or is it even
> actually worked on?

To my knowledge, no on has tested the OMERO.java bindings on Android, and actual client development is not currently in the works.

http://www.zeroc.com/android.html would seem to imply, though, that there should be no barriers when using OMERO's ice35 download. 

> But before going to far, it would be good to know what the
> current status is, if this is worthwhile at all?

The major alternative would be an HTML5 client which has at least been prototyped:


The benefits/costs of either (or both) vary, of course.

> On the other platforms, have you thought of any good ways of
> enabling interoperability? I mean in this case not to load images from
> OMERO into my software, but rather, how I can my software signal to the
> OMERO client that a certain image should be displayed? And/or, how to load
> the client in the first place (if not open)?

> I suspect the solution will be badly platform dependent. DBUS would
> partially have done the work on linux; java RMI could partially be a
> portable solution but how to automatically load the client is still a
> mystery. A nicely licensed small library to do this interaction would be
> really nifty

Agreed. There have been various discussions about how (and whether) to do this. If RMI were the "right" design, we'd probably favor using Ice over RMI. 

> Finally: How are the LSIDs for images coming along? Have they actually
> adopted?

How do you mean? In having them automatically resolve as was the original intent of the LSID spec? Not at all. We nor anyone we know of is running such a service. Neverthwless we still do use LSIDs as core identifiers.

> cheers,
> Johan


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