[ome-devel] Scripts / Environment Variables / OpenGL...

Jerome Avondo jeromeavondo at msn.com
Wed Jan 26 17:46:46 GMT 2011

Hi all,

I have the following problem,

I have OMERO 4.2.1 installed on a linux box, fedora core 12.
I have a user called omero on the box, who starts/runs omero,
The user omero also has the ~/.bashrc file setup to contain,

export DISPLAY =:0.0

such that I can have access to the xserver for stuff like OpenGL applications. 
So when I'm logged in as omero, I can run glxinfo etc etc ... 
All works fine from terminal...

But when I try to run a server side script from OMERO.insight, and do something simple like (note some code removed for simplicity sake):

import subprocess

def doSomething():

        cmd = "glxinfo"
        run = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
        returncode = run.wait()
        stdout = run.stdout.readlines()
        stderr = run.stderr.readlines()        
        log("stdout: %s stderr: %s" % (stdout,stderr) )

I get an error back saying "Error: unable to open display". Which would lead me to believe that the DISPLAY environment variable is not specified no?
The omero python scripts should be executed as the omero user no? So how come the DISPLAY variables seems to have gotten lost?

Any help appreciated as useal...

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