[ome-devel] Exporter issues (Was: OMERO 4.2-installation problems..... Too many images open ?!)

Chris Allan callan at lifesci.dundee.ac.uk
Thu Sep 16 15:59:16 BST 2010

Hello all,

We have been working hard on resolving a series of export related issues which include:


as well as...

http://trac.openmicroscopy.org.uk/omero/ticket/2764 (Too many open files)

and the problems outlined by Peter Schregle in the "import into Omero server fails" thread:


These changes have been merged into the stable Beta 4.2.x branch and a new build has been created encompassing these fixes available from Hudson:


We encourage those of you who are having particular problems with export or export related to upgrade to this version as soon as possible. Those wishing to perform this upgrade should review the upgrade procedures outlined in import thread:

"The server upgrade is slightly more tricky but the general upgrade preparations from the following apply:


Once you have prepared (done a database backup, etc.) you should be able to follow the following loose procedure:

OMERO_DIR/bin/omero admin stop
cp OMERO_DIR/etc/grid/config.xml NEW_OMERO_DIR/etc/grid/
cp var/lib/custom_settings.py NEW_OMERO_DIR/var/lib/
NEW_OMERO_DIR/bin/omero web syncmedia
NEW_OMERO_DIR/bin/omero admin start"

We thank you for your continued patience and support!

-The OMERO Team

On 15 Sep 2010, at 09:42, Peter Lipp wrote:

> Dear OMERO-developer,
> in addition to the message send a couple of days ago, we have "refined" the error situation to multi-image data structures containing more than 2000 images (i.e. time series). A single export attempt leads to a data error, reproducibly. After that no further data export granted. Restart of the server helps again for the first couple of smaller export attempts but than data handling error reoccurs.
> I know a fix will be distributed in 4.2.1 but is there any prompter procedure that will at least ease the situation, since right now we cannot work with OMERO.
> Thanks and best regards
> Peter
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