[ome-devel] Building OmeroCpp

James Perry jamesp at epcc.ed.ac.uk
Wed Oct 1 11:39:50 BST 2008

Hi Josh, everyone,

Thanks for your help so far with building OmeroCpp. I'm now trying to  
get an example to run but having problems. I always get:

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'IceUtil::NullHandleException'
   what():  /home/digs/Ice/include/IceUtil/Handle.h:46:  

when creating the omero::client object. Is there something I need on  
the command line or in a configuration file somewhere to make Ice happy?

The other thing I wondered about is that my server is running on a  
different machine from where I'm developing the client. I haven't  
found a way to specify a remote machine in the client code yet. Is  
there a way to do this? Could this be the cause of the problem above?


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