[ome-devel] Plates and Wells

Bernhard Voigt bernhard.voigt at gmail.com
Thu Nov 20 15:36:14 GMT 2008

Hi Josh and others!

I'm over the first obstacle, so I've changed the topic ;-)

> Hmm...could you show me more of what you are trying? There are
> certainly complications when dealing with the security details
> ("plate.details") but you don't seem to be doing that. For reference,
> I just ran the following against a Beta3.1 blitz:
> import sys
> sys.path.append("dist/lib")
> import omero
> c = omero.client(["--Ice.Config=dist/etc/ice.config"])
> s = c.createSession("root","xxx")
> p = omero.model.PlateI()
> p.name = omero.RString("plate")
> p = s.getUpdateService().saveAndReturnObject(p)
> w = omero.model.WellI()
> w.name = omero.RString("well")
> w.setPlate(p)
> w = s.getUpdateService().saveAndReturnObject(w)
> print w

Yes, one well works well. Adding more  to one plate yields the
security error. The code I'm using is attached, if you've run in with
python -i simpleblitz.py $user $password
than do
>>> p,ws=pc.createPlate('plate 10', 1, 1)
which works fine, if you change the number of rows, or columns I get
the error message
>>> p,ws=pc.createPlate('plate 11', 1, 2)
... error...

Another problem, using the example that creates only one well:
If I do ws.getPlate() I get the plate. If I, however, do p.getWells()
I get an empty list. I tried p = omero.model.PlateI(p.getId(), True)
but this doesn't yield a well list either.

Thanks again for you help! Bernhard
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