[ome-devel] adding Pixels to an existing Image...

Jerome Avondo jeromeavondo at msn.com
Wed Aug 13 15:09:14 BST 2008


Firstly let me congratulate you on the OMERO Java API, I had a little bit of experience using the older OME Java API, and I have found that using this new API is a lot easier and lot less code to write. Socongrats on the great work!

Basically I have the following scenario. I am currently exploring the use of the OMERO Java API from within Matlab to do some client side image analysis.

I would like to be able to from within Matlab, connect to the OMERO server pull images off, do some processing and pack the results of the processing as new Pixels in the original source Image. To do this I am exposing some of the tasks we would like to do with my own java class, basically just a simple layer sitting on top of the OMERO Java API. This might not be the best/easiest way to do this, so you might have some suggestions for a different approach... Any suggestions/tips are always welcome...

Anyways the problem I have is the code I have written seems to run without errors but when I try to view the newly created Pixels object from within OMERO.insight, it tells me that it is an invalid image.

I have attached my code in a file called test.java. 
I have also attached the OMERO.insight stack trace that I get when trying to view my Pixels object, in a file called StackTrace.txt.

If anyone could help understand what I am doing wrong I would be very grateful.

Also on a side note, could someone tell me what the function setSha1( ) of the Pixels object actually is?



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