[ome-devel] Archiving Utility for Image Files

Michael Hlavenka mthlavenka at wisc.edu
Thu Nov 17 23:06:41 GMT 2005

Hey Tom,

First off, I wrote up some web documentation. I committed it to 
OME-WEBSITE. I'll also attach my addition to this e-mail. If there is 
anything that's confusing or is not labeled right, let me know and I can 
clear things up and change it right away (before it gets mirrored). 
Also, if it's needed by me to write up exactly what the function call is 
doing (more detailed than OME-WEBSITE), then I can do that, as well.

Now, with the getDownloadAllURL function. I called it that mainly 
because that function merely constructs the function, rather then doing 
any call to omeis. By comparison, I don't believe it stands the same as 
getPixels, as it doesn't return any file data. The function name was 
(more or less) arbitrary to me and, currently, it's only called in one 
place, so it's no big deal if someone wants to change it to fit the 
entire OME scheme better. However, that's my reason for not calling it 
GetFiles, initially.

Once again, any more questions/comments are greatly appreciated.


T.J. Macura wrote:

> Hey Mike,
> Good job on this cool new function. It is much appreciated because it 
> is useful and we didn't have to develop it.
> http://cvs.openmicroscopy.org.uk/horde/chora/diff.php?f=/OME/src/C/ 
> omeis/omeis.c&r1=1.78&r2=1.79&ty=h&num=10
> A very small point. Your commit to omeis.c changes alot of white-space 
> around. When I look at the CVS web page, it makes it hard to find the 
> meat. I always do cvs diff before I commit to check that every line 
> changed is valid. This is an easy way to find vestigial debug statements.
> I am not sure exactly what this function does, are you planning to 
> write some web documentation about your current method?
> http://www.openmicroscopy.org/api/omeis/methods.html
> This is probably a file method. i am not sure about the name 
> "getDownloadAllURL". Ilya is the final arbitrator but I would prefer 
> to call it "GetFiles" (like GetPixels).
> I think a cool test would be to write a script to randomly (a random 
> number of random files) download zipped-up files, unzip them, import 
> them back into OMEIS and see if a new linked FileID is created (that 
> is basically a SHA1 digest test that the unzipped files are the same 
> as the original files). Then DeleteFile the new files.
> This is a very thorough test and will check many OMEIS components 
> (Upload File, DeleteFile, and the clever symbolic-linking that goes 
> behind the scenes).
> I am very willing to collaborate on this test with a minimum 
> involvement of your time.
> Tom 

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