[lm-announce] update on microscopes

sswift s.swift at dundee.ac.uk
Thu Jan 26 14:35:47 GMT 2006

Dear All,

Following this weeks visit from our DeltaVision engineer I just wanted 
to update you on the current state of play with the facility 
microscopes and remind you of a couple of things -

1.  M floor DV3 (Angus Lamond lab) - now has both the fast and hi-res 
cameras working.  The fast camera is currently mounted on the system.  
Please ask if you want to use the hi-res camera and I'll swap it over 
for you.  Remember, if you've been using the system recently you will 
need to go to "camera settings" and select the micromax, otherwise 
you'll end up taking pictures of the table top with the CH350.  If 
you're used to using a spectris, myself, Calum and Laura are all more 
than happy to run you through the (minor) differences between the two.

2.  M floor spectris (Angus Lamond lab) - fully functional.  Please 
remember this system is reserved for live cell imaging and must not be 
booked for fixed cells.  The DV 3 is generally available and can be 
used instead.

3.  2nd floor spectris - fully functional, laser interlock switch has 
been fixed.

4.  LMF DV3 (CRUK DV) - currently down and awaiting an upgrade.  Will 
keep you posted.

5.  LMF Spectris (DV in 105e) - excitation shutter has been replaced.  
System works, but has a fault with the interface chassis.  A new one 
has been ordered.  Feel free to use this system, but please be aware 
that it is prone to crashing (on average, about once an hour).   
Obviously, we can restart the system for you and/or show you how to 
sort it out when it trips up, but the AIL DV3 may be a better bet for 
some of you at the moment.

6.  BioRad, SP2 and Zeiss 510 - fully functional.

Polite reminder -

1.  Please please please please please book your time on the microscope 
and fill in the log book, even if you're in at 3 am on a Saturday and 
you think it doesn't matter.

2.  If any of the systems do weird things, there is a space in the log 
book for you to fill in the error.  It would really help if you could 
put as much info down as possible e.g. if the DV fails, it is better to 
write "error with x encoder, instrument controller crashed" as opposed 
to "instrument controller crashed" which could honestly mean just about 

3.  We're here to help.  Use us.

4.  Remember to i) copy your data to zeus ii) delete the copied files 
from the local hard drive iii) empty the trash.  We have 130 people 
using the facility now so you really need to keep on top of this.

Many thanks,

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