[FLIMfit-users] FLIMfit 5.1.1. Help software issue

Support list for users of FLIMfit Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging tool. flimfit-users at lists.openmicroscopy.org.uk
Fri Nov 29 01:09:49 GMT 2019

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am Chiara Pantarelli, postdoc at the Garvan Institute, Sydney.

I am sorry for bothering you, but I am facing a problem with FLIMfit 5.1.1. that it doesn’t let me export images.

First, I contacted technical support service from MatLab as I thought was a bug related to their end.
They told me that the crash was caused by the wtifc.mexw64 MEX file. This is a known bug that the developers fixed in MATLAB R2018a.
To work around this and solve the crash issue, I updated MATLAB to a newer release (I tried either R2018a and newer).
Unfortunately, still I cannot export images, and after giving this input the software shut me out: “Matlab is exiting because of fatal error”.

The Matlab technical support told me that as is the FLIMfit 5.1.1 tool I am trying to export images, the best thing would have been to contact you to get help.
As FLIMfit 5.1.1 is not developed by MathWorks they are unable to provide support for it.

I’ve tried everything, but I do not understand why I cannot perform on FLIMfit a simple command as exporting images.

I would really appreciate your help and any advice you could give me to perform my analyses.

Kind regards,

Chiara Pantarelli | Postdoctoral Researcher
Network Biology, Cancer Division
Garvan Institute of Medical Research
A:  384 Victoria Street, Darlinghurst, NSW Australia 2010
P: +61 (0) 491 707508
T: @chiarapnt<https://twitter.com/ChiaraPNT>

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