[ome-users] Fiji Bio-Formats Exporter Problem - write each timepoint to a separate file

David Gault (Staff) d.gault at dundee.ac.uk
Thu Jan 5 17:43:30 GMT 2017

Hi Ofra,

Firstly, apologies for the delay in investigating this issue over the holidays and thank you for providing us with access to the data.

I have been debugging the file-set over the past few days and have found the following:
- The specific error you had been seeing (loci.formats.FormatException: Unmatched UUID: urn:uuid:28c78877-7c97-4062-a4cc-f5d95b5e403a) relates to file for time-point 56 which it is unable to locate.
- The individual file for this time-point T56 appears to be correct with the expected UUID as above
- The reason why it is looking for this file (along with the other related files) is due to the fact that each of the images for individual time-points contains metadata linking to the full dataset and the files will automatically act as a grouped data-set

If you wish to open these files individually in Fiji without it loading the entire dataset then you can use the option to open files individually. This can be set either through the Bio-Formats importer dialog or by the using the importer option below:
type = boolean
label = Open_files individually
info = <b>Open files individually</b> - \
  Treats each file as an individual file, instead of attempting to group \
  it together with other files that belong to a larger dataset.
default = false

With Thanks,
David Gault

On 19 Dec 2016, at 15:50, Ofra Golani <ofra.golani at WEIZMANN.AC.IL<mailto:ofra.golani at WEIZMANN.AC.IL>> wrote:

Hi Sebastien,

I couldn’t upload to your site
I uploaded the files to our ftp site
Please contact me personally for user+password


From: ome-users [mailto:ome-users-bounces at lists.openmicroscopy.org.uk] On Behalf Of Sebastien Besson (Staff)
Sent: Friday, December 16, 2016 12:43 PM
To: users OME
Subject: Re: [ome-users] Fiji Bio-Formats Exporter Problem - write each timepoint to a separate file

Hi Ofra,

the exception message you got below hints at a partial (or corrupter fileset). Would it be possible
to upload the complete content of the test1 directory to http://qa.openmicroscopy.org.uk/qa/upload/ ?


On 15 Dec 2016, at 14:05, Ofra Golani <ofra.golani at weizmann.ac.il<mailto:ofra.golani at weizmann.ac.il>> wrote:


I enabled Java8 and disabled Bio-Formats update site, and repeated the export to ome.tif
When  tied to open the files (from another computer) while they were created – the I could open independent ome files in Fiji (from another computer) and it looked fine,
However, when the whole export wad done and I tried to open the independent files I had a problem:
-          Dragging 1 file into Fiji – I got an error saying that “File is not in a supported format, a reader plugin is not available, or it was not found”
-          Trying to open one file with Bio-Format Importer I got an exception
loci.formats.FormatException: Unmatched UUID: urn:uuid:28c78877-7c97-4062-a4cc-f5d95b5e403a
                at loci.formats.in.OMETiffReader.initFile(OMETiffReader.java:617)
                at loci.formats.FormatReader.setId(FormatReader.java:1399)
                at loci.plugins.in.ImportProcess.initializeFile(ImportProcess.java:498)
                at loci.plugins.in.ImportProcess.execute(ImportProcess.java:141)
                at loci.plugins.in.Importer.showDialogs(Importer.java:140)
                at loci.plugins.in.Importer.run(Importer.java:76)
                at loci.plugins.LociImporter.run(LociImporter.java:78)
                at ij.IJ.runUserPlugIn(IJ.java:217)
                at ij.IJ.runPlugIn(IJ.java:181)
                at ij.Executer.runCommand(Executer.java:137)
                at ij.Executer.run(Executer.java:66)
                at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
-          Tring to open 1 file from a folder where all the Time-points files are saved , opens a hyperstack of all the files , although I didn’t ask to group files:
-          <image001.png>
The above is the choices I made, and here is the recorded command
run("Bio-Formats Importer", "open=[D:\\UserData\\innaa\\test<smb://UserData/innaa/test> fiji\\test1\\test1_T17.ome.tif] autoscale color_mode=Default rois_import=[ROI manager] view=Hyperstack stack_order=XYCZT");

Please advise


From: ome-users [mailto:ome-users-bounces at lists.openmicroscopy.org.uk] On Behalf Of Sebastien Besson (Staff)
Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2016 3:36 PM
To: users OME
Subject: Re: [ome-users] Fiji Bio-Formats Exporter Problem - write each timepoint to a separate file

HI Ofra,

the issue below also reported in a  screenshot in your previous email matches what was
reported a few days ago [1].
Which update sites do you have enabled? In particular is the Bio-Formats update site [2]
enabled? If so, could you disable it (the Java 8 update site should ship Bio-Formats 5.3.0)
and test whether this solves this export problem?


[1] http://lists.openmicroscopy.org.uk/pipermail/ome-users/2016-December/006283.html
[2] http://imagej.net/Bio-Formats#Daily_builds

On 14 Dec 2016, at 12:19, Ofra Golani <ofra.golani at weizmann.ac.il<mailto:ofra.golani at weizmann.ac.il>> wrote:


Following on the same problem

When saving working with big files there is another problem when using Bio-Formats Exporter to save individual time-points into separate ome.tif files.
I'll upload the file for you to our ftp server, please write me privately and I'll send you the download instructions.
It's a 75 GB file

Note that this time virtual-stack is used, The recorded command is:

run("Bio-Formats Exporter", "save=[D:\\UserData\\innaa\\test<smb://UserData/innaa/test> fiji\\test.ome.tif] write_each_timepoint export compression=Uncompressed color_mode=Default quiet rois_import=[ROI manager] view=Hyperstack stack_order=XYCZT color_mode=Default quiet rois_import=[ROI manager] view=Hyperstack stack_order=XYCZT use_virtual_stack");

The generated ome.tif files cannot be opened with Bio-Formats importer and lead to Exception

(Fiji Is Just) ImageJ 2.0.0-rc-54/1.51h; Java 1.8.0_66 [64-bit]; Windows Server 2012 R2 6.3; 75376MB of 196255MB (38%)

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: ome/xml/meta/MetadataConverter
at loci.formats.services.OMEXMLServiceImpl.convertMetadata(OMEXMLServiceImpl.java:876)
at loci.formats.in.OMETiffReader.initFile(OMETiffReader.java:554)
at loci.formats.FormatReader.setId(FormatReader.java:1399)
at loci.plugins.in.ImportProcess.initializeFile(ImportProcess.java:498)
at loci.plugins.in.ImportProcess.execute(ImportProcess.java:141)
at loci.plugins.in.Importer.showDialogs(Importer.java:140)
at loci.plugins.in.Importer.run(Importer.java:76)
at loci.plugins.LociImporter.run(LociImporter.java:78)
at ij.IJ.runUserPlugIn(IJ.java:217)
at ij.IJ.runPlugIn(IJ.java:181)
at ij.IJ.runPlugIn(IJ.java:170)
at HandleExtraFileTypes.openImage(HandleExtraFileTypes.java:499)
at HandleExtraFileTypes.run(HandleExtraFileTypes.java:72)
at ij.IJ.runUserPlugIn(IJ.java:217)
at ij.IJ.runPlugIn(IJ.java:181)
at ij.IJ.runPlugIn(IJ.java:170)
at ij.io.Opener.openWithHandleExtraFileTypes(Opener.java:515)
at ij.io.Opener.openImage(Opener.java:369)
at ij.io.Opener.openImage(Opener.java:243)
at ij.io.Opener.open(Opener.java:110)
at ij.io.Opener.openAndAddToRecent(Opener.java:292)
at ij.plugin.DragAndDrop.openFile(DragAndDrop.java:192)
at ij.plugin.DragAndDrop.run(DragAndDrop.java:159)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)


From: ome-users [ome-users-bounces at lists.openmicroscopy.org.uk<mailto:ome-users-bounces at lists.openmicroscopy.org.uk>] on behalf of Ofra Golani [ofra.golani at weizmann.ac.il<mailto:ofra.golani at weizmann.ac.il>]
Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2016 10:10 AM
To: OME User Support List
Subject: Re: [ome-users] Fiji Bio-Formats Exporter Problem - write each timepoint to a separate file


Thanks for looking into this.
I tried to reproduce the problem and it is different from what I wrote before.

In Summary:
1. separating into different ome.tif files for each time points - works OK
2. separating into different tif files for each time points - produce file with corrupted pixel values (only first slice is OK)
3. saving hyperstack into one ome.tif produce file which is missing one image and cannot be rearranged into hyperstack correctly.
4. saving hyperstack into one tif produce file of the correct size but with corrupted pixel values (only first slice is OK)
5. saving hyperstack into one tif with regular Fiji Save As tif works fine

I uploaded sample files for you into my box folder: https://weizmann.box.com/s/xhbixjp0ydbd5qd69s2xnm9k2lugvdri
It also reproduced with the Mitosis sample file

See details below

Best Regards


BioFormats version: 5.3.0-SNAPSHOT,  Build Date: 9 decemebr 2016

Here is my recorded command when saving in tif format
       run("Bio-Formats Exporter", "save=D:\\UserData\\innaa\\OfraTest\\dlGFP_Test_NewFiji\\Mitosis\\mito1.tif<smb://UserData/innaa/OfraTest/dlGFP_Test_NewFiji/Mitosis/mito1.tif> write_each_timepoint compression=Uncompressed");

I opened the file of the first time-point ("mito1_T0.tif")
Attached are snapshots comparing the slices to the original slices and the corrupted file itself

Here is the recorded command for saving in ome.tif format
       run("Bio-Formats Exporter", "save=D:\\UserData\\innaa\\OfraTest\\dlGFP_Test_NewFiji\\Mitosis\\mito2.ome.tif<smb://UserData/innaa/OfraTest/dlGFP_Test_NewFiji/Mitosis/mito2.ome.tif>write_each_timepoint compression=Uncompressed");

When I try to open it by drag and drop the file ("mito2_T0.ome.tif")  is opened as stack instead of hyperstack , after reorganizing it, it looks OK (Can't reproduce the corruption).
When I try to open it with BioFormats Importer I get an exception (attached)

The same behavior reproduced on my workstation (Windows7, which has Release 5.3.0-SNAPSHOT build date 5 December 2016, see attachment)

My original problem is with much bigger czi file (3D+time) that I try to crop and output to different files for different time-points.

I crop part of the big file (95 GB) so that I have now 16 slices * 11 time points

- exporting (on the WindowsServer WS) to ome.tif produces a file with only 175 images so 1 image is missing and I cannot rearrange it into hyperstack:
run("Bio-Formats Exporter", "save=D:\\UserData\\innaa\\OfraTest\\dlGFP_Test_NewFiji\\tmp\\AllTP.ome.tif<smb://UserData/innaa/OfraTest/dlGFP_Test_NewFiji/tmp/AllTP.ome.tif>compression=Uncompressed");

- exporting into into one tif file produces hyperstack of the correct size, but with corrupted pixel values

run("Bio-Formats Exporter", "save=D:\\UserData\\innaa\\OfraTest\\dlGFP_Test_NewFiji\\tmp\\AllTP.tif<smb://UserData/innaa/OfraTest/dlGFP_Test_NewFiji/tmp/AllTP.tif>compression=Uncompressed");

- Saving the file using the regular Fiji Save As Tif option produces a hyperstack of the real size with the original pixel values - You can use it as a starting point for reproducing the problems

saveAs("Tiff", "D:\\UserData\\innaa\\OfraTest\\dlGFP_Test_NewFiji\\tmp\\AllTP_SaveAsTif.tif");

However - I need to separate into independent file for each time point. So when using BioFormat Exporter to save each independent TP into file with

run("Bio-Formats Exporter", "save=D:\\UserData\\innaa\\OfraTest\\dlGFP_Test_NewFiji\\tmp\\SepTP.ome.tif<smb://UserData/innaa/OfraTest/dlGFP_Test_NewFiji/tmp/SepTP.ome.tif> write_each_timepoint compression=Uncompressed");

produce valid stacks - so no problem here

When writing into tif the output files have corrupted pixel values

run("Bio-Formats Exporter", "save=D:\\UserData\\innaa\\OfraTest\\dlGFP_Test_NewFiji\\tmp\\SepTP.tif<smb://UserData/innaa/OfraTest/dlGFP_Test_NewFiji/tmp/SepTP.tif> write_each_timepoint compression=Uncompressed");

-----Original Message-----
From: ome-users [mailto:ome-users-bounces at lists.openmicroscopy.org.uk] On Behalf Of Balaji Ramalingam (Staff)
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 5:56 PM
To: OME User Support List
Subject: Re: [ome-users] Fiji Bio-Formats Exporter Problem - write each timepoint to a separate file

Hi Ofra,

Thank you for reporting your issue.
Testing the same locally, we were unfortunately unable to reproduce the bug.

I have recorded the Fiji/ImageJ operations that I had performed (using the Fiji/ImageJ macro recorder) and I have pasted the same here,

run("Bio-Formats Exporter",
point_.ome.tif write_each_timepoint compression=Uncompressed²);

I reimported the resultant images back into Fiji/ImageJ and compared the pixel data with the original image.

There was no obvious issue that was noticed, thus could you please record your mouse-click operations via the Fiji/ImageJ macro recorder and paste the resultant command here? The documentation for the same can be found here,https://imagej.net/Introduction_into_Macro_Programming#The_recorder

And also it would be great if you could clarify the version of Bio-Formats that was used? (I have updated my Fiji to use the latest release version of Bio-Formats : Version 5.3.0)

You can get the same by selecting,
Help‹>About Plugins‹>Bio-Formats PluginsŠ (in the Fiji menu)

Or by running the following macro command, run("Bio-Formats Plugins...²);

This would help us troubleshoot the issue in better detail.


Mr Balaji Ramalingam
Software Developer

OME Team
School of Life Sciences
University of Dundee

On 12/12/2016, 14:54, "ome-users on behalf of Ofra Golani"
<ome-users-bounces at lists.openmicroscopy.org.uk<mailto:ome-users-bounces at lists.openmicroscopy.org.uk> on behalf of ofra.golani at weizmann.ac.il<mailto:ofra.golani at weizmann.ac.il>> wrote:


I encounter a problem when using Bio-Formats exporter to save each
time-point into separate file.
It saves into separate files, but the files are corrupted. You see this
when you move through the slices.
You can try this with the "Mitosis" 5D stack of Fiji Sample files.
The problem happens when I save files both as tif and as ome.tif.
I use the latest Fiji version, with the latest Bio-Formats version.

Please advise,



Ofra Golani

BioImage Analyst
Life Sciences Core Facilities
Weizmann Institute of Science
Tel: +972-8-934-5177
ofra.golani at weizmann.ac.il<mailto:ofra.golani at weizmann.ac.il>

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