[ome-users] Bio-formats exporter does not store custom LUT applied in ImageJ

Kai Schleicher kai.schleicher at unibas.ch
Fri Nov 2 17:47:01 GMT 2018

Dear OME team,

I wish to apply a custom LUT in ImageJ and then save the image as ICS-1 
using Bio-formats.

When I import the image again with Bio-formats, it does not show the LUT 
(see imageJ macro in below quote to reproduce the steps).

Did I miss an option during import, or is there maybe a different way 
the LUT should be applied to the image for the exporter to save it?

Thanks and cheers from Basel,

> run("M51 Galaxy (177K, 16-bits)");
> run("cool", "display=m51.tif 
> view=net.imagej.display.DefaultDatasetView at 7a6b36cd");
> run("Bio-Formats Exporter", "save=/home/kai/Desktop/m51_cool.ids");
> run("Bio-Formats Importer", "open=/home/kai/Desktop/m51_cool.ids 
> autoscale color_mode=Default rois_import=[ROI manager] view=Hyperstack 
> stack_order=XYCZT");

>>Please note my NEW PHONE NUMBERS: +41 61 207 57 31 (direct) +41 61 207 22 50 (central)<<
Kai Schleicher, PhD | Research Associate in Advanced Light Microscopy | Biozentrum, University of Basel | Klingelbergstrasse 50/70 | CH-4056 Basel |
Phone: +41 61 207 57 31 (direct) +41 61 207 22 50 (central) | kai.schleicher at unibas.ch | www.biozentrum.unibas.ch | www.microscopynetwork.unibas.ch

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