[ome-users] Is a web-user different from an API user? I get a credentials error

Mario Emmenlauer mario at emmenlauer.de
Thu Jul 20 11:17:04 BST 2017

A small addendum below:

On 19.07.2017 23:26, Mario Emmenlauer wrote:
> On 19.07.2017 18:16, Sebastien Besson (Staff) wrote:
>>> On 18 Jul 2017, at 12:04, Mario Emmenlauer <mario at emmenlauer.de> wrote:
>>> I followed the documentation to add a user to a dockerized OMERO server:
>>> https://www.openmicroscopy.org/site/support/omero5.3/sysadmins/cli/usergroup.html
>>> When I start the dockerized OMERO, I can log in from the web with the
>>> user/password credentials. Then I tried the minimal-omero-client example
>>> from https://github.com/ome/minimal-omero-client but it fails. I do:
>>> docker run \
>>>    --publish 56022:22 --publish 56023:4063 --publish 56024:4064 \
>>>    --publish 56028:80 --publish 56029:443 [...]
>>> ./gradlew build install && \
>>> ./build/install/GIT-minimal-omero-client/bin/GIT-minimal-omero-client \
>>>    --omero.host='myhost' \
>>>    --omero.port='56024' \
>>>    --omero.user='myuser' \
>>>    --omero.pass='mypassword'
>>> But get error:
>>> omero.gateway.exception.DSOutOfServiceException: Login credentials not valid
>>> at omero.gateway.Gateway.connect(Gateway.java:264)
>>> at com.example.SimpleConnection.connect(SimpleConnection.java:66)
>>> at com.example.SimpleConnection.main(SimpleConnection.java:95)
>>> Caused by: Glacier2.PermissionDeniedException
>>>    reason = "Password check failed for 'myuser': [id=2]"
>>> I'm pretty sure the parameters to minimal-omero-client are correct,
>>> because I tried various changes and they lead to adverse effects
>>> like "SSL error" on port 56023 or "connection refused" on different
>>> host names. I used copy-paste for the password, so the risk of typing
>>> errors is small.
>> Assuming the password is correct, the port forwarding might be the next
>> problem to investigate here.
>> Is the Dockerfile or the Docker image that you are running available
>> somewhere for us to be able to reproduce your steps?
> I've pushed the image to a private docker repo and added you as a
> collaborator. Can you pull from emmenlau/test:bda_omero_16_04 ?
> The image can be started i.e. with:
>   docker run --detach --name "bda_omero_latest" \
>       --volume /data/bdaomero:/data/bdaomero \
>       --publish 56022:22 --publish 56023:4063 --publish 56024:4064 \
>       --publish 56028:80 --publish 56029:443 \
>       "emmenlau/test:bda_omero_16_04"

You do not *need* the volume /data/bdaomero externally mounted, and
for your tests you might want to ignore that. OMERO will just use
the container-internal store, and you can trash the container after
your tests.

> This will start postgreSQL, nginx, SSH and a fully running OMERO.
> I will send you the login credentials separately.
> All the best,
>     Mario Emmenlauer

All the best,

    Mario Emmenlauer

BioDataAnalysis GmbH, Mario Emmenlauer      Tel. Buero: +49-89-74677203
Balanstr. 43                   mailto: memmenlauer * biodataanalysis.de
D-81669 München                          http://www.biodataanalysis.de/

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