[ome-users] Bio-formats exporter bug with .dv file

Kai Schleicher kai.schleicher at unibas.ch
Wed Sep 14 14:12:55 BST 2016


I encountered a bug when using the bio-formats exporter to save 
individual *.tifs  (per channel as well as per timepoint) from a two 
channel timelaps hyperstack recorded on a Deltavision microscope with 
softworx (*.dv). I have uploaded said image as ID 17340 here:

In detail I believe that channels and timepoints get mixed up as the 
image for Channel 0 timepoint 1 is actually channel 1 timepoint 0 and so on.

I am using the latest bio-formats version 5.2.2.

Concerning this I realised that updating to the latest version is only 
possible when Java 8 is check in the update manager while at the same 
time bio-formats IS NOT checked.
If only bio-formats or both are checked, then version 5.1.10 is installed.

This seems a bit counter-intuitive to me, if possible I think it'd be 
easiest from a user perspective to keep updating the bio-formats from 
the respective update site.
Just as a comment, I was also wondering if it'd be possible to show the 
bio-formats version number in the splash screen of the importer? This 
way it'd easier for our facility users to find out which version they 
have installed.

Since we are also running OMERO, I am a big fan of the omero-fiji 
connector, which works great for me! As we are currently running OMERO 
5.2.5, I was wondering whether this connector could also be included in 
an update site for fiji. Currently we find only 5.0 and 5.1.

Thanks for your help and cheers,


Kai Schleicher, PhD | Research Associate in Advanced Light Microscopy | Biozentrum, University of Basel | Klingelbergstrasse 50/70 | CH-4056 Basel |
Phone: +41 61 267 22 50 | kai.schleicher at unibas.ch | www.biozentrum.unibas.ch | www.microscopynetwork.unibas.ch

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