[ome-users] ERROR: Could not import omero.cli! (No module named Ice)

Lawrence Griffing griffing at tamu.edu
Thu Jun 16 14:09:38 BST 2016

Hi Lawrence

Could you tell us the full set of commands and configuration changes you
ran to install Ice? Were you following the instructions on
when you saw this error, or another document?


No, I was not using those instructions. I was using the ZeroC instruction
for the Ice installation and the more general instructions for unix/linux
servers at

Everything worked fine - except for the three Ice warnings about their
server not being found - until I tried to use the config command in omero.

I see several differences now that you pointed me to the specific
instructions (which I should have seen in the first place - my bad), so
will try this and see if it works.

Lawrence Griffing
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