[ome-users] Partial Replication of OMERO data for TEST system: how to obtain user specific Pixels data as well?

Rainer Poehlmann rainer.poehlmann at unibas.ch
Wed Jul 13 09:03:51 BST 2016

Dear all,

in order to have an OMERO TEST server with a reasonable subset of real data, I have started to replicate data from our 
productive OMERO storage volume to a new test volume connected to the OMERO TEST environment. Since we have more than 
40TB of productive data, I am obviously interested to only replicate parts of the data, e.g. by replicating data from 
certain users only.

The easy part:
replicate specific user data from the ManagedRepository, e.g. "{omero.data.dir}/OMERO/ManagedRepository/userA_n" PROD to 

The problem:
certain replicated data from "userA_n" cannot be displayed in the "detailed view". Obvious error:
A "Pyramid" of zoom levels is currently being calculated for this image. Please try viewing again later"

=> Pyramid data for this particular user/image as present somewhere under "{omero.data.dir}/OMERO/Pixels" were not 
replicated and are therefore missing!

First of all a more general question to better understand this topic: what are the "rules" according to which pyramid 
data for a particular image (format) will be generated or not? We discussed this internally but did not really came to a 
satisfying answer.

And, more specific to the PROD to TEST data replication problem:
in order to have a fully working TEST environment, I do not want to replicate all of our 3TB of "Pixels" data from PROD 
=> TEST. Since the the "Pixels" data are organized in a more "arbitrary" directory structure "(Dir-001 to Dir-nnn), is 
there an (easy?) way to identify *all* "Pixels" data belonging to one user to just replicate those and not the whole 
"Pixels" directory?

Any hints would be appreciated.

Thanks a lot for your help, best regards,

Rainer Pöhlmann | Research IT | Biozentrum, University of Basel | Klingelbergstrasse 50-70 | CH-4056 Basel
Phone: +41 61 267 20 76 | Email: rainer.poehlmann at unibas.ch | www.biozentrum.unibas.ch | www.isb-sib.ch

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