[ome-users] Network drive slowness
r b
rblistmicro at gmail.com
Fri Dec 5 17:05:21 GMT 2014
Hi all,
I recently got our lab workstation connected through the 1Gbps network
to the building's server. Among other reasons, I was hoping to process
images directly from the network drive. However, even with the upgrade
to 1Gbps, loading images in Fiji is still slow. I have encountered two
problems and I am not sure they are related.
First, as an example, I have a .czi of ~210MB that opens:
- ZEN Blue Lite 2012 loading from network drive: about 2 seconds
- Copying from network drive and pasting to the Desktop: about 4 seconds
- Fiji loading from network drive: 30 seconds
In the ImageJ list I was informed that taking longer to load czi files
might be a widespread issue with czi files.
The second problem was found while testing the speeds above. If I put
the same file one folder deeper and try to open it in Fiji, the time
grows from 30 seconds to 12 minutes.
I am one of those people who organizes things by creating folder,
inside folder, inside folder.
In the following structure:
If I have the czi file in Folder6, it takes 30 seconds to open. If I
move it to Folder7, it takes 12 minutes to open.
Is there an obvious reason for this increase in time?
Thank you
Rafael Buono
Some info about my system below:
Java information:
os.arch => amd64
os.name => Windows 7
os.version => 6.1
java.version => 1.6.0_24
java.vendor => Sun Microsystems Inc.
java.runtime.name => Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment
java.runtime.version => 1.6.0_24-b07
java.vm.name => Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
java.vm.version => 19.1-b02
java.vm.vendor => Sun Microsystems Inc.
java.vm.info => mixed mode
java.awt.graphicsenv => sun.awt.Win32GraphicsEnvironment
java.specification.name => Java Platform API Specification
java.specification.version => 1.6
sun.cpu.endian => little
sun.desktop => windows
file.separator => \
The up-to-date check says: UP_TO_DATE
Information relevant to JAVA_HOME related problems:
JAVA_HOME is set to:
imagej.dir => C:\Users\ADMINI~1\Desktop\Fiji.app
Information about the version of each plugin:
Activated update sites:
ImageJ: http://update.imagej.net/ (last check:20141126151327)
Fiji: http://fiji.sc/update/ (last check:20141125101145)
MOSAIC ToolSuite:
http://mosaic.mpi-cbg.de/Downloads/update/Fiji/MosaicToolsuite/ (last
Bio-Formats information:
Release 5.0.6, revision 33b1150, built 10 November 2014.
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