[ome-users] Ice 3.5 server not supported on Windows

Helen Flynn h.flynn at dundee.ac.uk
Fri Nov 8 14:37:57 GMT 2013

Dear All,

It has been brought to our attention[1] that we erroneously indicated in our OMERO 4.4.9 release announcement and downloads page that the new Ice 3.5 support was available for all components. In reality, the Ice 3.5 server is not supported on Windows because the Ice 3.5 binaries require Python 3, which OMERO does not support as yet. This does not affect the Ice 3.5 clients for Windows, which can connect to an Ice 3.4 server.

If you are using Windows, we recommend you use the OMERO.server with Ice 3.4.

Our downloads page (http://downloads.openmicroscopy.org/omero/4.4.9/) has been updated to make this clear, and the issue has also been added to our Known Limitations documentation (http://www.openmicroscopy.org/site/support/omero4/sysadmins/limitations.html#ice-3-5).

Apologies for failing to highlight this issue when we released,


The OME Team

[1] https://www.openmicroscopy.org/community/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=7352

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