[ome-users] Atomic force microscopy images

Lorenzo Lunelli lunelli at fbk.eu
Sun Aug 25 00:01:31 BST 2013


I would like to use  an Omero server as  central repository for my Atomic force microscopy images, sending the images (previously converted to TIFF) to Omero via the ImageJ plugin.
It works, but there is an annoying issue with the lateral scale of the images.
I prefer to obtain distances in nanometers, so I calibrated accordingly the images in ImageJ. However, once transferred to Omero the pixel unit seems to be interpreted as micrometers. I tried to set the units in ImageJ as "nm" or "nanometers", but without success.
The only way I have found  to circumvent the problem so far is to calibrate the images in ImageJ using micrometers as units, but considered that most AFM images are sized in the nanometric range it is a bit annoying to get all the measurements in microns .
What is the right way to use nanometers in Omero ?

Thanks for any help,


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