[ome-users] Show frame timestamps from proprietary format plugin

Curtis Rueden ctrueden at wisc.edu
Thu Jul 12 21:06:46 BST 2012

Hi Josh,

> I've got a proprietary format which stores absolute date-timestamps in
> a footer for each frame, and I have written an ImageJ plugin to open
> these files, and post the timestamps as a list in the Show Info
> dialog, however now I want to display the timestamps on the image or
> in a table (user option). I've come across the following macro, which
> extracts timestamps from Bio-Formats:
> https://github.com/openmicroscopy/bioformats/blob/develop/components/loci-plugins/utils/macros/planeTimings.txt

Perhaps someone knows how they implement this, or where to look in the
> code. Is there any other way to accomplish my goal?

Bio-Formats is able to perform this operation in a format-agnostic way
because it standardizes metadata from the proprietary file format (PFF)
into the standard OME-XML data model. For details, see the section "A brief
overview of metadata" at:

Your question is becoming a frequently asked one; see these messages from
the ImageJ archive:

In short, you can make calls to the makeText macro function within your
plugin to write your timestamps onto the image planes:

If you think your file format reader is of general interest (and from Aaron
Hendrickson's reply, it sounds like it could be), we would be delighted to
include it with Bio-Formats. See the Bio-Formats File Format Reader Guide
for information on how to create a Bio-Formats reader:


You can use GitHub to good effect here, forking the Bio-Formats project
(from https://github.com/openmicroscopy/bioformats) into your own project
space, implementing your reader on a branch there, and then filing a "Pull
Request" to submit your changes back upstream.

Alternately, you could send us your existing ImageJ plugin and we can
convert it to a Bio-Formats file reader as our time allows.


On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 11:06 AM, Josh Doe <josh at joshdoe.com> wrote:

> I've got a proprietary format which stores absolute date-timestamps in
> a footer for each frame, and I have written an ImageJ plugin to open
> these files, and post the timestamps as a list in the Show Info
> dialog, however now I want to display the timestamps on the image or
> in a table (user option). I've come across the following macro, which
> extracts timestamps from Bio-Formats:
> https://github.com/openmicroscopy/bioformats/blob/develop/components/loci-plugins/utils/macros/planeTimings.txt
> Perhaps someone knows how they implement this, or where to look in the
> code. Is there any other way to accomplish my goal?
> Maybe the concept of frame metadata can be implemented in ImageJ,
> which can consist of simple key value pairs, and perhaps even have a
> few standard keys like microseconds since the Unix epoch, comment,
> etc. An integrated or plugin metadata viewer would then update the
> metadata whenever the stack's current frame is changed.
> Thanks,
> -Josh
> --
> ImageJ mailing list: http://imagej.nih.gov/ij/list.html
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