[ome-users] Extracting email addresses.

Josh Moore josh at glencoesoftware.com
Thu Feb 24 07:41:21 GMT 2011

Hi Ian,

typically we have used a DB query to extract this information, but this is not the most user-friendly option. I've put together an email_report command-line plugin which we'll look into including in future releases (possibly with a different name). Drop the attached file into the directory:


and then run:

 bin/omero email_report

The standard out will contain a comma-separated list of email addresses. Several other things will be printed on standard error but these can be ignored. There are also several command-line options which you can see via:

$ bin/omero email_report --help
usage: bin/omero email_report [-h] [-n] [-1] [-i]

Lists users' email addresses

Optional Arguments:
  In addition to any higher level options

  -h, --help          show this help message and exit
  -n, --names         Print user names along with email addresses
  -1, --one           Print one user per line
  -i, --ignore        Ignore users without email addresses

Let us know where this falls short, and we'll improve it along the way.

Best wishes,

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On Feb 24, 2011, at 1:53 AM, Ian Dobbie wrote:

> Hi,
> We now have a few omero users and I want to send them all an email
> saying we have upgraded the server and they should upgrade their
> clients. Is there any way to extract a list of the email addresses as
> listed in their accounts? 
> Thanks,
> Ian

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