[ome-users] OMERO.web 4.2.1 mod_python

Aleksandra Tarkowska aleksandrat at lifesci.dundee.ac.uk
Thu Nov 25 08:53:03 GMT 2010

Hi Mark

Although the current preferred setup for running OMERO.web is FastCGI  
protocol, some people prefer continue to use Apache with mod_python.

In order to upgrade OMERO.web and run it please follow the  

1) go to omero/var/lib/custom_settings.py remove LOGDIR and run the  
following as 'omero' user:
$ bin/omero web syncmedia
this will generate symbolic links in omero/lib/python/omeroweb/media

drwxr-xr-x   7 ola  staff   238 25 Nov 08:13 omeroweb
lrwxr-xr-x   1 ola  staff    20 25 Nov 08:48 webgateway -> ../ 

2) all previous configuration stored in omero/var/lib/ 
custom_settings.py needs to go to omero preferences, see http://www.openmicroscopy.org.uk/site/support/omero4/server/install_web#section-8

- application server should be set up as "development"
$ bin/omero config set omero.web.application_server "development"
- log dir can be set up by:
$ bin/omero config set omero.web. logdir "/home/omero/weblog"

	Configuration options can be set using bin/omero config set:

	$ bin/omero config set <parameter> "<value>"
	NB: The double quotes are not required by OMERO, they are interpreted  
by your shell/console and will be useful if you have spaces in the  
value or if you are using Windows. They should not be saved as part of  
the value (see below).

	To remove a configuration option (to return to default values where  
mentioned), simply omit the value:

	$ bin/omero config set <parameter>
	These options will be stored in a file: etc/grid/config.xml which you  
can read for reference. DO NOT edit this file directly.

	You can also review all your settings by using:

	$ bin/omero config get
	which should return values without quotation marks.

3) Configure mod_python:
NB: You no longer need '/home/omero/omero_dist/var/lib'

<Location "/">
     SetHandler python-program
     PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
     SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE omeroweb.settings
     PythonDebug On
     PythonPath "['/home/omero/omero_dist/lib/python', '/home/omero/ 
omero_dist/lib/python/omeroweb'] + sys.path"

I hope that will be helpful.
If you have any more problems please let me know.


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