[ome-users] Custom application launchers for omero clients in Linux

Bernie Broughton b.broughton at sussex.ac.uk
Thu Jun 25 15:18:44 BST 2009

I'm having problems creating custom application launchers for the omero
clients in Linux.

OMEROinsight_unix.sh runs when I double click it and choose 'Run in
terminal', opening a terminal in the process.

I used the instructions that come with ImageJ:

For ImageJ I altered the run script to reflect the location of ImageJ:

java -Xmx4096m -jar /usr/local/ImageJ/ij.jar -ijpath /usr/local/ImageJ

Checked run was executable.
In the Gnome panel, at the top of the screen, right click and choose
"Add to panel...".
Select "Custom Application Launcher".
Push the "Browse" button, find the 'run' script and select it.

This worked.

However, trying the same thing with OMEROinsight_unix.sh doesn't work.
OMEROinsight_unix.sh script is:

java -Xms128000000 -Xmx256000000 -jar

I get the following errors when type: Application in Terminal is selected.

Abnormal termination due to an uncaught exception.
org.openmicroscopy.shoola.env.init.StartupException: Unable to load
Container configuration


followed by ans Abnormal Termination error window.

Running on Centos 5.3 64bit.


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