[ome-users] OMERO clients user's comments
Caterina Strambio De Castillia
strambc at mail.rockefeller.edu
Tue Jan 13 16:02:00 GMT 2009
Dear OMERO developers,
as you know from Mario's postings we have been actively working on
our OMERO implementation and testing project.
One think I have been doing is to test the usability side of the
All my comments pertains to test done using the latest DB and client-
suite versions available.
OMERO.db beta 3.2
OMERO. clients suite 3.2.1
.importer pre beta4-4
.insight beta3.2
.editor main (3)1.0 _ not tested
Tests were done on a Mac PowerBook G4 (client side) and a Dual
Processor Power PC G5 (server side).
IN ALL CASES comments are made with the purpose of improving OMERO
and helping the developers, maybe, seeing problems they had not
thought about. Also the comments obviously reflect my personal view
of priorities particularly in light of the beta4 release (if
possible) and/or future releases.
Best regards
1) OMERO.webadmin:
Administering scientists and groups
* COMMENT_1: I think it is important to allow admin more flexibility
in the administration of users (i.e. scientists) and user's data
Specifically admin should be able to remove user and user data from
data base.
For what I can tell only a user without data can be deleted. This
makes sense obviously but a real-world systems will require more
Possible scenarios that would require such a measure:
When a user leaves a facility and his or her data need to be migrated
to a new site.
During testing
In case of user's mistakes (especially likely to happen during large
data migration or at db first instance installations)
Insertion of "garbage data" in the db
At preset beta3 does not appear to allow users data to be deleted (in
case it is there I did not find it).
TWO POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS: either data should be erasable at admin
side or at user side or both. This option should be set depending on
the needs of each OMERO.db instance implementation. One possible
GLP- compliant implementation is suggested below.
2) OMERO.insight:
Administering image data hierarchical organization, data-sets and
* COMMENT_2: (related to comment regarding admin flexibility):
There has to be flexibility on the USER side on managing image data.
I argue the user has to be able to remove data from the database, for
example, in case of errors she/he made during import or in case of
failed import executions.
Obviously, care should be taken in implementing DATA deletion from DB
in order to comply to good laboratory practices (GLP) and ethical
Possible controlled implementation of DATA deletion by user: USER
moves it to "to be deleted" dataset or folder or other container and
then admin delets upon permission from group owner or group leader.
This would prevent accidental deletion of image data and malicious
deletion of "not wanted" data. Specific options should be set
depending on level of security privileges of individual user.
* COMMENT_3: There has to be flexibility in administering image
hierarchical organization on the side of end-user (i.e. scientist):
User has to be able to reassign flexibly image data from one data-set
or project to another with the possibility of removing it from
previous data-sets (even remove it from DB, see above).
At present I did not find beta3 facilities for performing these tasks.
3) OMERO.importer:
Administering batch import of images
COMMENT_ 4: There has to be a better way of batch-handling rendering
settings, pixel properties and metadata options. This is particularly
important in case of large data-sets migration into the database and
as a consequence of poor metadata encoding in certain proprietary
file formats (for examples see below).
EXAMPLE: during my import tests of various proprietary image data
formats (.lif, .liff, .lsm, .stk, .tiff) I noticed that wavelength
rendering, z- versus t- slices interpretation, sub-file hierarchy
interpretation (see especially .lif and .liff) was often problematic.
If left uncorrected this would definitely deter use.
SUGGESTION OF POSSIBLE SOLUTION: user is allowed to set the correct
metadata, pixel properties and rendering parameters upon batch import
in order not to have to do it manually (which would defy the whole
purpose of our collective exercise). In addition there should be the
possibility of batch changing rendering settings to whole data-sets
and whole projects.
I noticed that OMERO.importer does furnish an option (METADATA
DEFAULTS) but upon several trial in various permutations the use of
this did not change the outcome of image rendering. This might be due
to poor knowledge of the program but if there is a way of doing it is
very well disguised. I think it is very important to improve this for
beta4 release.
Importing tests of various proprietary image data formats
*COMMENT_5: import of specific file formats
* .lsm files imported properly but...
o the wavelenght information was not interpreted correctly
(see below on comments on Rendering)
* .lif files: the import failed miserably.
One of the two files did not import, the other imported into its
individual images but the images appeared as "crosses" and no image
data corresponded to the files.
a second attempt also failed; this time no images were
* .stk worked fine but...:
o DID not assign properly z veruss t and there is no way
of manually changing it.
* .liff worked fine but ...:
o All images are in the same file. This is a problem
with .liff as the different images could be z layers or t frames or
various experiments all together. Not sure how to solve this. Would
require much more flexibilty at import depending on file to import.
*.tiff worked fine but...:
Images pixel properties and metadata were not imported at
all in the database. I imagine this is due to the .tiff format itself
and I imaging the solution is not so easy. I think this case really
underscores the importance for users to be able to set pixel
properties and metadata in batch contextually to import or after import.
Rendering images
The rendering of images worked fine. Viewer works well, it is fast
and has many nice features.
* Rendering setting can be changed and rendering history can be
stored. This is great.
* Rendering can be copy-and-pasted to other images. This is
great but...
* COMMENT_6 : copy and paste of rendering settings should be
doable in batch format. For example to be able to change the
rendering settings of the entire content of a dataset or project.
This is particularly important as the metadata handling is still not
perfect and might never be. The formats are just too different and
change frequently. So there needs to be control at import on
rendering of for example wave length or z layers versus t series.
This in certain formats is just nor "read" properly from the the
metadata and the user has to be able to change it.
This is all folks!
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