[ome-users] Importing ANALYZE 7.5 and NIFTI file formats

Melissa Linkert melissa at glencoesoftware.com
Mon Feb 9 18:23:58 GMT 2009

Hi Frans,

> Would it be possible to include ANALYZE 7.5 and NIFTI (=analyze7.5 
> with
> a few extra fields) in the list of supported BIOFORMATS files?

Thank you for the suggestions.  We do have plans to add support for 
the Analyze 7.5 and NIFTI formats in the 4.1.0 release of Bio-Formats 
- please see 
for details.

Our main obstacle in adding support for these formats is a lack of 
sample data.  If you would be willing to share a few files in either 
format, that would help us out a lot.  Files smaller than 15 MB can be 
sent as email attachments; if you have larger files, please let me 
know and I will provide you with our FTP server information.


On 2009-02-09 09:04:39 -0600 "Cornelissen, Frans [PRDBE]" 
<FCORNELI at its.jnj.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Would it be possible to include ANALYZE 7.5 and NIFTI (=analyze7.5 
> with
> a few extra fields) in the list of supported BIOFORMATS files?
> These are typically 3D or 4D file formats (3 spatial +Time) used in
> biomedical research
> Some references:
> NIFTI description:
> /nifti.nimh.nih.gov/nifti-1
> java code to read NIFTI
> http://niftilib.sourceforge.net/
> Analyze specification:
> Mayo Clinic. ANALYZE 7.5 File Format
> http://www.mayo.edu/bir/PDF/ANALYZE75.pdf
> java code to read both Analyze and NIFTI:
> http://www.loni.ucla.edu/Software/moreinfo.php?package=Debabeler
> thanks, best regards, frans
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