[ome-users] OMERO4 login problems

Jon Wakelin jw292 at leicester.ac.uk
Fri Apr 24 10:58:04 BST 2009

Dear All,

I've just installed OMERO beta4.0.1. on Linux but I'm having problems
logging in.  I'm not sure which username/password I'm meant to use when
accessing OMERO.web (http://<myserver>:8000/webadmin)

I can access the page just fine, but no matter what combination of
username/passwords I try I get the following message on the login page:

	"Error: PermissionDeniedException"

and the following entry in $OMERO_HOME/var/log/OMEROweb.log :


2009-04-23 16:29:28,507 gateway     : INFO     Starting thread...
2009-04-23 16:29:28,508 gateway     : INFO     Connecting...
2009-04-23 16:29:28,514 gateway     : ERROR    Traceback (most recent
call last):
  File "/opt/omero_dist/lib/python/omeroweb/extlib/gateway.py", line
159, in connect
  File "/opt/omero_dist/lib/python/omero/__init__.py", line 335, in
    prx = self.getRouter(self.__ic).createSession(username, password)
  File "/opt/Ice/py/python/Glacier2_Router_ice.py", line 107, in
    return _M_Glacier2.Router._op_createSession.invoke(self, ((userId,
password), _ctx))
PermissionDeniedException: exception ::Glacier2::PermissionDeniedException
    reason = internal server error

2009-04-23 16:29:28,514 views-web   : ERROR    Traceback (most recent
call last):
  File "/opt/omero_dist/lib/python/omeroweb/webclient/views.py", line
160, in getConnection
  File "/opt/omero_dist/lib/python/omeroweb/extlib/gateway.py", line
187, in connect
    raise x
PermissionDeniedException: exception ::Glacier2::PermissionDeniedException
    reason = internal server error


(1) I've tried the password that I set at this point of the installation:

  bin/omero config set omero.db.name <password>
  bin/omero config set omero.db.user <username>

(2) I've also tried the password that I set at this point of the

  $ bin/omero db script
  Please enter omero.db.version [OMERO4]:
  Please enter omero.db.patch [0]:
  Please enter password for new OMERO root user:
  Please re-enter password for new OMERO root user:
  Saving to /home/omero/Desktop/omero/OMERO4__0.sql
  $ psql -h localhost -U omero omero < OMERO4__0.sql

(3) And I've tried the password that I set when I ran:

  python manage.py syncdb

none of them seems to work.  Am I missing something obvious?  How should
I login at http://localhost:8000/webclient ?


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