[ome-users] ivy dependancies

McCaughey, Michael J michael.j.mccaughey at Vanderbilt.Edu
Mon Oct 29 17:15:19 GMT 2007

I'm trying to install OMERO from a current trunk checkout, but I can't build it due to some missing depends related to ivy.  I've poked around the SVN repository but couldn't find them.  Any suggestions?  Error is attached below.


[cisrome omero]# java omero fullbuild
Buildfile: build.xml

:: Ivy 2.0.0-alpha2-incubating - 20070712142751 :: http://incubator.apache.org/ivy/ ::
:: loading settings :: file = /home/mrmike/Documents/omero/etc/ivysettings.xml
:: resolving dependencies :: [ omero | server | working at cisrome.mc.vanderbilt.edu ]
        confs: [core, build, test]
        found [ commons-lang | commons-lang | 2.1 ] in flatrepository
        found [ activemq | activemq-core | 3.2 ] in repository
        found [ ant | ant-launcher | 1.6.5 ] in flatrepository
        found [ commons-beanutils | commons-beanutils | 1.7.0 ] in flatrepository
        found [ commons-codec | commons-codec | 1.3 ] in flatrepository
        found [ commons-dbcp | commons-dbcp | 1.2.1 ] in repository
        found [ commons-pool | commons-pool | 1.2 ] in repository
        found [ commons-io | commons-io | 1.1 ] in repository
        found [ dbunit | dbunit | 2.1 ] in repository
        found [ drools | drools-all-jdk5 | 2.5-beta-2 ] in repository
        found [ eclipse | jdtcore | 3.1.0 ] in repository
        found [ jamon | jamon | 1.0 ] in repository
        found [ jmock | jmock | 1.0.1 ] in repository
        found [ lucene | lucene | 1.4.3 ] in repository
        found [ omero | jbosssx | 4.2.1.GA ] in flatrepository
        found [ omero | jboss-ejb3x | 4.2.1.GA ] in flatrepository
        found [ omero | jboss-annotations-ejb3 | 4.2.1.GA ] in flatrepository
        found [ org/acegisecurity | acegi-security | 1.0.0-RC1 ] in repository
        found [ quartz | quartz | 1.5.2 ] in repository
        found [ xerces | xerces | 2.0.2 ] in repository
        found [ xml-apis | xml-apis | 1.0.b2 ] in repository
        found [ omero | jbossall-client | 4.2.1.GA ] in flatrepository
        found [ omero | jboss-ejb3 | 4.2.1.GA ] in flatrepository
:: resolution report ::
        |                  |            modules            ||   artifacts   |
        |       conf       | number| search|dwnlded|evicted|| number|dwnlded|
        |       core       |   4   |   0   |   0   |   0   ||   0   |   0   |
        |       build      |   27  |   0   |   0   |   0   ||   23  |   0   |
        |       test       |   4   |   0   |   0   |   0   ||   0   |   0   |

:: problems summary ::
                module not found: [ omero | common | 3.0-TRUNK ]
        ==== repository: tried
          -- artifact [ omero | common | 3.0-TRUNK ]/common.jar[jar]:
        ==== flatrepository: tried
          -- artifact [ omero | common | 3.0-TRUNK ]/common.jar[jar]:
                module not found: [ omero | importer | 3.0-TRUNK ]
        ==== repository: tried
          -- artifact [ omero | importer | 3.0-TRUNK ]/importer.jar[jar]:
        ==== flatrepository: tried
          -- artifact [ omero | importer | 3.0-TRUNK ]/importer.jar[jar]:
                module not found: [ omero | romio | 3.0-TRUNK ]
        ==== repository: tried
          -- artifact [ omero | romio | 3.0-TRUNK ]/romio.jar[jar]:
        ==== flatrepository: tried
          -- artifact [ omero | romio | 3.0-TRUNK ]/romio.jar[jar]:
                module not found: [ omero | rendering | 3.0-TRUNK ]
        ==== repository: tried
          -- artifact [ omero | rendering | 3.0-TRUNK ]/rendering.jar[jar]:
        ==== flatrepository: tried
          -- artifact [ omero | rendering | 3.0-TRUNK ]/rendering.jar[jar]:
                ::          UNRESOLVED DEPENDENCIES         ::
                :: [ omero | romio | 3.0-TRUNK ]: not found
                :: [ omero | importer | 3.0-TRUNK ]: not found
                :: [ omero | rendering | 3.0-TRUNK ]: not found
                :: [ omero | common | 3.0-TRUNK ]: not found


/home/mrmike/Documents/omero/components/antlib/resources/setup.xml:236: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/home/mrmike/Documents/omero/components/antlib/resources/multiproject.xml:34: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/home/mrmike/Documents/omero/components/antlib/resources/dependencies.xml:86: impossible to resolve dependencies: resolve failed - see output for details

Total time: 2 seconds

Michael J. McCaughey, PhD
Molecular Physiology and Biophysics

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