[ome-users] Installation of OME server 2.6.0 stable fails on Mandriva 2007

Ponti, Aaron aaron.ponti at fmi.ch
Thu Mar 15 15:21:46 GMT 2007

Hello everybody

I have been trying to install the OME server 2.6.0 on Mandriva 2007 without success.

All dependencies appear to be fulfilled (I had to downgrade perl-DBD-Pg from 1.49 to 1.43 - although through rpm and not directly from the OME installer since it crashes when it tries). Here the output:


# perl install.pl -a
  \_ libssl 0.9.8 [OK].
  \_ libpng 1.2.12 [OK].
  \_ libjpeg 62 [OK].
  \_ libcurl 7.15.5 [OK].
  \_ libtiff 3.8.2 [OK].
  \_ zlib 1.2.3 [OK].
  \_ libdb_B-Tree 3 [OK].
  \_ libxml2 2.6.26 [OK].
  \_ libxslt 1.1.17 [OK].
  \_ expat 1.95 [OK].
  \_ bzlib N/A [OK].

  \_ Term::ReadKey 2.30 [OK].
  \_ Storable 2.15 [OK].
  \_ Carp::Assert 0.18 [OK].
  \_ Compress::Zlib 1.42 [OK].
  \_ DBI 1.52 [OK].
  \_ Digest::MD5 2.36 [OK].
  \_ MD5 [OK].
  \_ MIME::Base64 3.07 [OK].
  \_ Log::Agent 0.306 [OK].
  \_ Time::HiRes 1.86 [OK].
  \_ DBD::Pg 1.43 [OK].
  \_ Test::Harness 2.56 [OK].
  \_ Test::Simple 0.62 [OK].
  \_ HTML::Template 2.7 [OK].
  \_ IPC::Run 0.79 [OK].
  \_ Class::Accessor 0.19 [OK].
  \_ Class::Data::Inheritable 0.02 [OK].
  \_ File::Temp 0.16 [OK].
  \_ Exporter::Lite 0.01 [OK].
  \_ UNIVERSAL::exports 0.03 [OK].
  \_ URI 1.35 [OK].
  \_ HTML::Tagset 3.10 [OK].
  \_ HTML::Parser 3.54 [OK].
  \_ Parse::RecDescent 1.94 [OK].
  \_ Inline::C 0.44 [OK].
  \_ XML::NamespaceSupport 1.09 [OK].
  \_ XML::Sax 1.01 [OK].
  \_ XML::LibXML::Common 0.13 [OK].
  \_ XML::LibXML 1.60 [OK].
  \_ XML::Parser 2.34 [OK].
  \_ SOAP::Lite 0.69 [OK].
  \_ XML::LibXSLT 1.60 [OK].
  \_ OLE::Storage_Lite 0.14 [OK].
  \_ Spreadsheet::ParseExcel 0.2603 [OK].
Check passed


When I try to install, everything goes smooth until I get to the Core Perl Module Setup, then:


 Core Perl Module Setup

(All verbose information logged in /var/tmp/OME/install/PerlModuleTask.log)

Installing modules
  \_ Configuring [SUCCESS].
  \_ Compiling [FAILURE].

Errors executing task: Unable to compile module, see PerlModuleTask.log for details. at (eval 39) line 1

 at install.pl line 81
        main::run_tasks() called at install.pl line 265
# Looks like your test died before it could output anything.

Line 265 of install.pl is 
	run_tasks ();

This is the content of the PerlModuleTask.lig file:


SUCCESS -- OUTPUT: "You can remove all previous versions of OME with the following command:
 perl Makefile.PL uninstall
 Performing `make clean` in directory /tmp/OME/src/perl2/OME/Matlab
 make: *** No rule to make target `clean'.  Stop.
 Checking if your kit is complete...
 Warning: the following files are missing in your kit:
 Please inform the author.
 WARNING:  libtiff must be installed !
 Checking if your kit is complete...
 Looks good
 Writing Makefile for OME::Image::Pix
 Checking if your kit is complete...
 Looks good
 Writing Makefile for Repacker
 Writing Makefile for OME

FAILURE -- OUTPUT: "cp OME/Web/DefaultHeaderBuilder.pm /tmp/OME/src/perl2/blib/lib/OME/Web/DefaultHeaderBuilder.pm
 cp OME/Install/CoreSystemTask.pm /tmp/OME/src/perl2/blib/lib/OME/Install/CoreSystemTask.pm
 cp OME/Web/DBObjRender/__OME_AnalysisChain_Link.pm /tmp/OME/src/perl2/blib/lib/OME/Web/DBObjRender/__OME_AnalysisChain_Link.pm
 cp OME/LookupTable/Entry.pm /tmp/OME/src/perl2/blib/lib/OME/LookupTable/Entry.pm


 cp OME/Analysis/Engine/install_worker_node.pl /tmp/OME/src/perl2/blib/lib/OME/Analysis/Engine/install_worker_node.pl
 cp OME/Image/Server/File.pm /tmp/OME/src/perl2/blib/lib/OME/Image/Server/File.pm
 cp OME/ImportEngine/DVreader.pm /tmp/OME/src/perl2/blib/lib/OME/ImportEngine/DVreader.pm
 cp OME/Image/Pix/Makefile.PL /tmp/OME/src/perl2/blib/lib/OME/Image/Pix/Makefile.PL
 cp OME/Web/DBObjDetail/__Category.pm /tmp/OME/src/perl2/blib/lib/OME/Web/DBObjDetail/__Category.pm
 make[1]: Entering directory `/tmp/OME/src/perl2/OME/Image/Pix'
 cp Pix.pm /tmp/OME/src/perl2/blib/lib/OME/Image/Pix.pm
 /usr/bin/perl5.8.8 /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/ExtUtils/xsubpp  -typemap /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/ExtUtils/typemap -typemap typemap  Pix.xs > Pix.xsc && mv Pix.xsc Pix.c
 make[1]: *** No rule to make target `/usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/i386-linux/CORE/EXTERN.h', needed by `Pix.o'.  Stop.
 make[1]: Leaving directory `/tmp/OME/src/perl2/OME/Image/Pix'
 make: *** [subdirs] Error 2


Any idea? Let me know if you need more information.


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