[ome-users] shoola how to debug?

Alastair Kerr alastair.kerr at ed.ac.uk
Thu Apr 28 15:07:35 BST 2005

> Try this:
> psql ome
> ome=# select value from configuration where name = 'db_version';
> Current versions should output:
>   value
> -------
>   2.15
> (1 row)


(1 row)

I messed up my cvs syntax perhaps? 

> Also, try this (though this is less informative because it doesn't tell 
> us what Apache is using):
> perl -MOME -e 'print "$OME::VERSION\n"'


> The files in the /var/tmp/OME/Install/ directory would provide a much 
> more detailed description of what happened during the update process, 
> and make things much easier to diagnose.  Can you email me these files 
> separately (i.e. off-list)?
on their way


> >
Alastair Kerr, Ph.D., 
Bioinformatician, Wellcome Trust Centre for Cell Biology,
COIL, Swann Building, The University of Edinburgh
Edinburgh, EH9 3JR, UK
Tel: 44-(0)131-650-7527

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