[ome-devel] Issues connecting to OMERO

Mark Carroll (Staff) m.t.b.carroll at dundee.ac.uk
Mon Jun 24 10:29:10 BST 2019

Dear Julio,

I tried reproducing your issue using a Fedora 30 instance on our
OpenStack cluster and succeeded. However, even as superuser I still
cannot usefully connect from 5.4.10.

For 5.5.0 that DH_anon edit to java.config does fix the issue for me as
a regular user. Why the difference, I don't know, though I'd like to. At
least there's light at the end of the tunnel once you upgrade though.

For Insight 5.5.3 I hope to make it so that even that DH_anon edit is no
longer needed for Fedora 30.

Sorry you're running into such trouble here, thank you for reporting on
your investigations. We'll be closing down these mailing lists
imminently but we'll be happy to pick this thread back up again on
https://www.openmicroscopy.org/forums when anything new comes up.

-- Mark

The University of Dundee is a registered Scottish Charity, No: SC015096

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