[ome-devel] CellProfiler on the cluster crashes OMERO

Frederik Grüll frederik.gruell at unibas.ch
Tue Dec 13 10:49:07 GMT 2016

Dear all,

I am using CellProfiler on our cluster to process plates for screening.
The images are fetched from OMERO with the CellProfiler-OMERO
integration. A typical job consists of a command like this:

cellprofiler -b -p Entry-pipeline_omero.cpproj -c -r -o $OUT_DIR -t
plate_303_iids.csv -d $DONE_FILE --omero-credentials

When I run about 20 jobs in parallel, performance looks good at the
beginning, only limited by the performance of CellProfiler and not by
the I/O with OMERO. The plate I am processing has 2400 sites with three
channels and the OMERO IDs are in the CSV file plate_303_iids.csv that I
generated before. A job processes 50 image sets, selected with
$FIRST_IMAGE_SET and $LAST_IMAGE_SET. The results of the pipeline are

However, after about 4/5 of the images have been processed, OMERO
becomes very slow. The load on the OMERO server reaches 10, with the
Java process for Blitz consuming 10 cores. Eventually, my CellProfiler
jobs will loose connection ("JavaException:
Ice.ConnectionLostException"), and OMERO recovers in a few cases or
otherwise the CPU load falls back to normal, but OMERO needs to be
restarted anyway.

If I run more than 20 jobs in parallel, I would occasional get an error
message "ome.conditions.OverUsageException: servantsPerSession reached
for 05dbc314-3030-40af-8e72-68b3688e8c94: 10000" after CellProfiler
processed only 1665 single-channel images, implying 6 servants per image
per channel.

I have already had a look into the logs, especially Blitz-0.log, but
could not find a reason why OMERO would become so slow after a while.
Jstat indicates that all time is spend on garbage collection. Our OMERO
server has 250GB of RAM with omero.jvmcfg.percent.blitz=40.

Where else could I look into to find the cause and prevent the
degradation in performance? I use OMERO.server 5.2.5 with OpenJDK
version 1.8.0_65 and CellProfiler 2.2.0 with Oracle Java 1.8.0_92.

Cheers and thank you for your time,

Dr. Frederik Grüll | Image Analysis Specialist | G1055, Biozentrum,
University of Basel | Klingelbergstr. 50/70 | CH-4056 Basel Phone: +41
(61) 207 2250 | frederik.gruell at unibas.ch | www.biozentrum.unibas.ch

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